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norrisrw OP t1_jbh976r wrote

This was, of course, in the days prior to the automated systems that were in use, beginning in the late-1940s. The automated systems would be synced to a clock, and they would play the appropriate time, followed by a tone.

One such system employed a series of looped tape cartridges (known in broadcasting as "carts") that would trip in sequence when an inaudible cue tone triggered the next tape in the deck. For example:

"At the tone, the time will be..." "Four..." "Forty-eight..." "And ten seconds." BEEP

I remember my father calling Time every Sunday evening, when it was time to wind up our clocks (My parents collected antique clocks). I still remember the phone number: (714)853-1212. It still works today, only now it includes the date and temperature, and it's sponsored, so you'll have to sit through an ad.


CriminalBite t1_jbh6n6s wrote

What is my purpose?

You announce the time.

Oh my god...


AllylicMedley31 t1_jbh7zvs wrote

So that’s where the term ‟The Time Lady” came from..

I remember dialing 767-2676 (or 767-1111) for ‟Popcorn” and the time would be read from a recording every 15 seconds. This is how people set their clocks in the 1980's.


cutPlanning63 t1_jbh75xz wrote

What a boring job that must have been.Jesus


dacreativeguy t1_jbietcb wrote

Makes sense. Women were computers until the 60s.


doedounne t1_jbmw6pu wrote

And I thought my day went by slowly.


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