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Toughduck48 t1_j52u6up wrote

Not awkward looking at all!


Mega-Steve t1_j541njl wrote

"No, no...a hug is just fine, Yoko"


grafxguy1 t1_j55ctrx wrote

YOKO: "Oh, Paul...this make me so makes me want to sing!"
PAUL: "Oh, God, please don't....just...don't."


ReadRightRed99 t1_j53gtel wrote

What’s really weird is that this occurred only 14 years after he died but seemed like an eternity to me. Now we’re nearly 30 years past this point in time and it feels like it just happened recently


norrisrw OP t1_j53ywa2 wrote

It amazes me how much animosity there still is over Yoko Ono and how she allegedly broke up the Beatles. According to information that I have read (and this has been confirmed by Breakfast With the Beatles host Chris Carter), it was on this night when Yoko handed Paul some demo tapes John had recorded before he died. Two of those songs, "Free as a Bird" and "Real Love", would be released with the 1995 Anthology box set.


billyjk93 t1_j54brvv wrote

The Beatles broke up because of egos mostly. They were all basically doing their own things towards the end anyway and Abby Road and The White Album are basically solo songs from each member just mashed together. I also believe both Paul and Johns first solo records were full of songs meant for the last two Beatles albums.


norrisrw OP t1_j56mz8b wrote

Absolutely true. By 1969, the band had pretty much reached a tipping point. Paul and John were barely speaking to each other.

George had traveled to the States, and he discovered there was SOOO MUCH more he could do musically away from The Beatles. By the time they tried to get together at Twickenham, he was already mentally out of the band. Meanwhile, it was Paul and Ringo who were trying to keep it together, because they had less than two weeks to crank out new material. But when John hired Phil Spector to produce the Let It Be album, it literally broke Paul. So, a band on the cusp of breakup with a short deadline? No pressure.

While John wanting Yoko present at band meetings did nothing but make a bad situation worse for the band, it is interesting to note that Paul McCartney correctly predicted the reductive reasoning of the fans ("In 50 years, they'll say The Beatles broke up because Yoko sat on an amp").


billyjk93 t1_j56sikv wrote

On the subject of your last sentence, I think it's pretty sad that yoko being there probably caused a lot to be left unsaid. I think if they could've had any time in a room together to just talk and not trudge through production, they might've been able to be real with each other and at least salvage their relationships. Maybe even ironed out some issues and entered a new phase as a band.

It would've at least been cool to see them collaborate for songs on their solo albums. But we as fans will never know what all the issues were and if they could've ever worked through it. But I kind of think they all thought they would get back together in some way until John got assassinated


Interesting_Act1286 t1_j577k2a wrote

Drugs played a part in it, too. I believe John had a heroin problem at the time, which was part of their problems.


Empty_Cress8537 t1_j59t65i wrote

Good points! I also think that John knew bringing Yoko into meetings and recordings would annoy the rest of the band but did it anyway as if to say “what you gonna do about?!” I think like any other relationship, when you’re with people for so long, working together, they we’re probably just sick of each other. I also think Brian Epstein’s death was a big part in them breaking up too. May have been some tension on who would “lead” the band after.


SpinningHead t1_j57n2ww wrote

Shes also hated for treating Julian like garbage and cutting him out of everything.


Plenty-Paramedic8269 t1_j53kca9 wrote

McCartney snaps... attacks Yoko with award while Sean watches in shock. McCartney says after, " it was a long time coming"


Parkatola t1_j55l5og wrote

Police and prosecutors decline to take any action, didn’t see anything. And McCartney is somehow inducted a second time into the Hall of Fame. Cheers.


HappyHunt1778 t1_j52tijv wrote

Nah Yoko Ono not cool at all, lady was crazy in the coconut


phaedrus71 t1_j53pmrx wrote

Never gonna be over YO - she ruined barber shop for forever


throwawayp_man t1_j55cd6n wrote

John & Yoko were just horrible people...look how they treated Julian


true-skeptic t1_j562jsl wrote

Not to mention how he treated his first wife Cynthia.


throwawayp_man t1_j57b4gv wrote

It's funny how people like that get deified after death...just look how everyone is gushing over David all accounts he wasn't all that nice...& didnt he go thru like 3 livers ?


Sleep_nw_in_the_fire t1_j56ceih wrote

Did she give a speech on John's behalf?

If so did it go along the lines of

"Ooooh aaah ah ah ah ah ah aaaaah ah ooooh ooooh oh oh oh oh oh aaah aha ah ah aaah ah ah ah ah"


WhiteRicoSuave1990 t1_j53kmop wrote

I absolutely love the Beatles. I have their Hey Jude Album on my record player.


TheRecognized t1_j53s18l wrote



gimmethemarkerdude_8 t1_j543nm1 wrote

What you’ve never heard of the Beatles?! But seriously, The Beach Boys, The Who, both much better bands of that era.


TheRecognized t1_j54bulw wrote

Nah me and you are the only one’s to have heard of them. Wild.


surle t1_j54dsg2 wrote

Not everyone's into such obscure stuff, you know. Beatles sounds like a silly name for a band, it's not even spelt right.


grafxguy1 t1_j55dibk wrote

Beatles...hmm...Oh, wait, you mean Volkswagens, right?


MyVoiceIsElevating t1_j540kr1 wrote

I have their Blackbird album on my 8-track. Also, I have their Walrus album on my Sony MiniDisc Walkman.


taunter88 t1_j55v2gv wrote

"Get away from me, I don't want you to suck me dry as well"


HereForTheSpectacle t1_j5a1f5b wrote

Clawing her way up for a kiss. (Edit: look a her fingers gripping on Paul like a ladder)


Ornage_crush t1_j5396x8 wrote

Huh...Julian mus be standing outside of the frame.

Lennon and Ono...suck fuckin' scumbags


its-not-me_its-you_ t1_j5474vv wrote

No idea why you're getting down voted for this, they are both perfect examples of absolute human garbage and they deserved each other.


msdemos t1_j57wrq7 wrote



Sean is like, "Yeah......okay,, GET OFF MY MOM !!"




bradyso t1_j58fjcp wrote

I make the same face when I'm trying to remove a tick.


tomjoadsghost80 t1_j59ulsq wrote

Hard to tell whose the worst person in that picture, Yoko or Stephen Segal.


vadreamer1 t1_j5d1ict wrote

That is an awkward hug - if ever I saw one.


ABL67 t1_j5e7c9f wrote

Love and hate all in one pic


prickles_and_goo t1_j5he42k wrote

his face looks like he's listening to her music


FMDnative480 t1_j57lcdn wrote

God, Yoko fucking suuuuuuuuuuuucks


Ev1lroy t1_j52zixz wrote

Wants to kill her


surfe t1_j54b069 wrote

Yoko killed john
