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Trout-Population t1_jbggqkj wrote

This is a seat that the GOP held from the 1970s until 2018. Oh boy.


IamSauerKraut t1_jbgicel wrote

Yeah, control of the House is again up in the air. All because some schmuck could not behave himself around women.

Seriously, tho, now that the 16 GQP women spoke up against him, do you suppose they might finally speak up about the wife beaters on their side of the aisle?




Trout-Population t1_jbgj53j wrote

After looking into the district profile, the current version of it leans pretty heavily Democrat. Its not a done deal that a Dem will win the special election, but its far from a massive risk they're taking here.


RedditIsPointlesss OP t1_jbgllzd wrote

It's a relatively blue area that he was a rep in, so the chances of it flipping back to a GOP member seem pretty slim.


quikskier t1_jbgpd5b wrote

Two of Lebanon County's finest, Diamond and Ryan both have PFA orders against them. Diamond has 2 and a public intoxication.


ManfredsJuicedBalls t1_jbhezk5 wrote

That’s the first thought that came to mind.

Great they spoke up, but guess what’s gonna happen the moment someone else says about a sexual assault. Especially accusing a Republican. They’ll go in lock step to defend the creepo.


Squashey t1_jbgxe45 wrote

Was his campaign manager who reported his behavior one of the GQP women?


DelcoMan t1_jbo1tis wrote

As a Delco guy, absolutely no chance the seat flips.

The county RAPIDLY went through demographic change that had it D across the board, and Zabel's district specifically is VERY blue right now.

The local GOP committee where I am went from serious contenders prior to 2018 to completely non functional in 2023. They aren't fielding candidates, they aren't fundraising, they don't show up at polls on election day anymore, it's over.


dshd66 t1_jbg4v92 wrote

Once again. Democrats held to a higher standard.


RedditIsPointlesss OP t1_jbg50vu wrote

Pretty much. He should've kept his seat. It would've been forgotten by the next election cycle.


dshd66 t1_jbg58iy wrote

Just to be clear. I don't think he should have kept his seat. I just think Republicans should be held to the same standard.


RedditIsPointlesss OP t1_jbg5o7t wrote

I get what you're saying. I feel that since Republicans always seem to just spit in the face of any actual pushback, it's high time Democrats do the same. His colleagues weren't calling for him to resign and allegations are not proof.


CurGeorge8 t1_jbga4rs wrote

Or, wild idea, we start holding all of our politicians and elected officials to a higher standard.

Lets not lower the bar "because they're doing it too". That's elementary school playground talk.


RedditIsPointlesss OP t1_jbglt37 wrote

This is the unrealistic world that you live in.


[deleted] t1_jbgt2ef wrote

Unrealistic if we forget that other countries rank lower on the corruption index than us


Ok-Library247 t1_jbg3wqh wrote

Color me surprised.


RedditIsPointlesss OP t1_jbg46wl wrote

I have met Mike several times, and he seemed to be doing a great job for the residents that he served. It is a shame he resigned. I wouldn't have.


Trout-Population t1_jbggykv wrote

I'm sure he was a fine representitive and served his community well, but that's not really the point. It doesn't matter how good you are at your job, if you commit sexual abuse, you don't deserve to hold public office.


RedditIsPointlesss OP t1_jbglhpd wrote

He was accused. Accusations do not equal guilt. Does no one understand that?


Zenith2017 t1_jbooenu wrote

Actual false accusations are vanishingly rare and not a threat to non-abusers, despite what some media might tell you


[deleted] t1_jbgskez wrote

I agree. Honestly, we can’t let society devolve into accusations equaling guilt. That’s just gonna lead to an unchecked spiral of antagonism and revenge.

It also depends on the type of accusation, though. Like that bozo in federal congress who essentially lied about his entire life - yea, that dude needs to resign because those accusations are easily fact checked through objective public records.

Something like an assault accusation, though - I’m sorry, but that stuff needs to go through court. People really should be innocent until proven guilty in this country, and I say that for anyone.


Rmlady12152 t1_jbh142b wrote

What a huge disappointment. Come to my door asking for votes. I can't vote because of a marijuana charge. Turned his nose up, the nerve. Just keep your hands to yourself. Dems will win here again.


Lumpy_Cry_2694 t1_jbgedvm wrote

One down, a million more to go… Edit to be clear: this was directed toward all politicians!! Not just dems.


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jbkjc8y wrote

Cry more


Lumpy_Cry_2694 t1_jbkjlbs wrote

I just meant that there are tons of people with SA allegations working for the government that are high up, and acknowledging it’s good we got rid of at least one….Confused as to why this was taken negatively lol.


Lumpy_Cry_2694 t1_jbkjwz3 wrote

Also this wasn’t directed toward PA representatives, was directed toward all politicians…


KoozBrews t1_jbhqksg wrote

Just a reminder: shitty behavior isn’t limited to one party. Dems shouldn’t stick their heads on the sand, but it seems they have. Shame. Nobody has integrity anymore above us simple commoners.
