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schu2470 t1_jcmb3lj wrote

A 3rd party company between the provider and insurance? Sounds to me like needless waste. Cut out the middleman and pass on the savings. Hospitals already have billing and collections departments.


No-Setting9690 t1_jcmbzyj wrote

Hospitals normally do not have collections. It's an industry that requires experts, they do not normally have the technology as well. We do not bill for hospitals, we specialize in ambulance billing. They do not have the staff for it, as they're typically volunteers, paramedics, chief of fire, etc. This is who we bill for. We recover 2x for them over themselves doing it.
You want savings? Stop having people go to the ER that does not need it. 90% of what walks in the door is urgent care or less. Stop having people take ambulances as a taxi and then don't pay for it. In PA, nonparticipating insurances send the checks to the patient not the provider. Gotta be some dumb kickback there, it makes zero sense. Patient cashes and keeps it. These trips then do not get paid, and costs for other trips must go up to offset.

System is jacked, but a lot of it is because of the gov'ts rules.


Retlaw83 t1_jcnxxxa wrote

>In PA, nonparticipating insurances send the checks to the patient not the provider.

I live in PA and this is absolute bullshit. I have always received bills from my provider telling me how much I owe them that insurance does not pay.