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reverendsteveii t1_ir29rdm wrote

If Trump had said "Wear a mask and stay home if you feel sick" in January of 2020 he'd still be the president, happily selling state secrets to all and sundry. It was his inability to strategize in a non-comic-book-villain way that made him and $50/gram Kush decide that the best way forward was to encourage the plague and hope it killed more Democrats than Republicans.


BountifulScott t1_ir2bm1p wrote

His handling of the entire thing was insane. And the weirdest part: the media was fucking rallying around him and he still squandered it.

I will always remember he was doing one of his endless afternoon press briefings (you know the ones where he didn't have to be on camera talking about a subject he was woefully ill-informed on - but he was!) and some ABC reporter served him the softest of softball questions.

Reporter: "Mr. President. A lot of people are really scared. What would you tell them right now?".
Trump: "How dare you ask that. You're terrible. That's what I think. A disgrace! Asking me such a biased question!"

All the dumb chucklefuck had to do was say something like "I know people are nervous but we will get through this together!" or "You have my word as President that we are doing everything we can as one nation!" But nope! He somehow managed to fuck it up.

The reporter underhand tossed a beachball sized easy question and the guy whiffed like a pouty baby. It was incredible to behold.


Dark_Prism t1_ir2z3d0 wrote

> whiffed

Not even. He waited for that beach ball to come to rest on the ground and then popped it with his coke fingernail.


BountifulScott t1_ir57rrk wrote

It should have been T-Ball easy for him to hit that question out of the park, but nope!