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TheTrueLordHumungous t1_itvujp9 wrote

Just a gentile reminder on what kind of "progressive" Larry Krasner is.

> Upon taking office Krasner released Hassan Elliot, earlier jailed for felony illegal gun possession. Later, Hasan violated parole when police caught him trying to sell cocaine, but Krasner released again. That same day, Elliot killed a man. Months later, Elliot murdered Philadelphia police corporal ames O’Connor who trying to apprehend Elliot.

This is not a unique example.


myalt08831 t1_itx3sla wrote

This did not start (or statistically increase) with Krasner, and it won't disappear when he leaves office.

The fact is, people commit crimes. There is no way to prevent them all without locking up every single person. At which point the only difference is that the crimes will happen in prison instead of out.

The notion that Krasner is increasing crime is a pre-baked talking point, a conclusion waiting for facts to back it up, not a result of facts leading to a conclusion.



Tyfukdurmumm8 t1_itvwew7 wrote

Stuff like this is what a lot of people think of when they hear "progressive", it might as well mean soft on crime in moderates and conservatives eyes


TheTrueLordHumungous t1_itvyimd wrote

>it might as well mean soft on crime

Thats usually what it is.


Tyfukdurmumm8 t1_itvz870 wrote

There's been a lot of criticism over liberal DAs the past 4 or so years, they're especially terrible in California and NY
