Submitted by t3_10k6v6s in Pennsylvania

I had a hearing today to appeal the decision of overpayment regarding PUA I received during the pandemic and I feel like I totally botched it. The referee was grilling me like I was a criminal even though it's a non-fraud case and it's not an investigation. Has anyone else had a poor experience with appealing unemployment decisions? It's disgusting how they treat people receiving benefits as being subhuman.



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t1_j5oq9l3 wrote

Pro tip: never go into a Hearing without a lawyer.


OP t1_j5ow31j wrote

Can't go back and change that now. My point is that we shouldn't have to. Particularly in non-fraud cases.


t1_j5p76w9 wrote

I’m just curious, what were the circumstances? Did your notice explain why they are trying to recover the PUA?


OP t1_j5p8plr wrote

They claim that I should have received benefits through regular Unemployment Compensation and NOT through the PUA program. So, the issue isn't necessarily that I shouldn't have been paid at all, just that it was through the wrong program.


t1_j5x4wt0 wrote

Open up a backdated claim under regular UC so you can repay the PUA back.

You can file the claim online and request the backdate. Repayment would be handled much later, if found eligible under regular UC.


t1_j5pg1jb wrote

Lucky enough to only have had only one Unemployement hearing in my entire life and the Judge got it completely wrong.

Case before mine was a young pregnant lady and the Judge was bending over backward to make sure she got unemployment by asking leading questions and if she went down the wrong path, he would follow up with a question that basically told her to revise her answer. It was such a sham.. and her case clearly sounded like she should NOT have gotten unemployment because it was based on her being let go because of attendance or something like that.

Then mine starts, and the Judge is horrible as hell. Treats me like shit and right away I can tell he is going to side against me regardless of what I say. You could even see his demeanor change in his face from the smiling at the young pregnant lady to scowling at me as his voice tone changed as well.

After the case, I figured this Judge had a running tally going. He would let one person get unemployment, then go against one, etc.. and the pregnant lady simply beat me.

When I got the notice I lost the case, I wasn't surprised at all.

I learned then to NEVER work for a shitty company and if you do, quit as soon as possible. The company I had worked for had been sued numerous times for misdeeds including employee mistreatment, lack of payments, etc. Soon as I knew that was happening, I should have quit on the spot. But instead, I worked there like a fool for years until it was my time to be mistreated. But like you, I was surprised to find out how little Unemployment court really cares about getting it right.


t1_j5pyqmm wrote

The judge probably knows that:

  1. It absolutely ridiculous that the US doesn’t have paid maternity leave.

  2. It’s extremely hard for pregnant people to be hired as employers know they will have to take a large chunk of time off. This is illegal, but it happens.

  3. Getting fired for attendance is a common tactic that companies use so they are less likely to be sued.


t1_j5qruv5 wrote

Especially in Pa, an at will state where they can just say "sorry, you're not the right fit here"


t1_j5q2gt7 wrote

Oh I understand WHY he forced her to win. But it does show how lopsided the process can be.


t1_j5plx0e wrote

They do not collect on non-fault overpayments, BTW. You can pay it back but they won’t come after you for it. Instead, they’ll take it out of future benefits the next time you apply.


t1_j5q0uut wrote

The one and only time I was fired, they denied me unemployment. Yes, I would agree. They seemed to have some personal grudge against me or something.


t1_j5tgft4 wrote

I only had one hearing, state of Florida. First time being laid off, and the rep that took my application was oblivious to the fact that I’ve never filed unemployment before. She called and asked for a work search log, so i just put jobs I had applied to on a word document and emailed her that. SHE DENIED MY CLAIM, basically saying I wasn’t “making an effort” to find a job. I demanded a hearing. At my hearing, I said I never filed unemployment before, and this chic asks for something I didn’t know I needed to begin with. That’s how I won my appeal. He said if I had submitted the proper way of doing a work search log, that would have indicated I’ve done it before, and would have flagged for some type of fraud.


t1_j5uig3l wrote

I’ve had 4 different unemployment cases that were all denied. I appealed every one and I won each and every one of them.


t1_j5p72oz wrote

I'm pretty sure you can appeal. If it's worth it you can lawyer up for that.