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Cinema_King t1_j76vk1x wrote

I’ll take this weather over that hellish heat any day


whatifionlydo1 t1_j76xtab wrote

To me there's really nothing worse than sweat running down your head under your hair while you get attacked by bugs.


ARC4120 t1_j773ora wrote

I’m from SoCal, it definitely doesn’t feel like 110 in the Summer. The heat here is nothing compared to the deserts of California. That being said every winter I’m reminded that I’m simply not built for the cold


therealDrA t1_j77bmjw wrote

From SoCal as the cold (although this is too cold). The heat out here is much worse than Los Angeles...humid, disgusting.


februarytide- t1_j77lc7j wrote

I have a friend from around here who lived in LA for several years. He said it was absolutely hotter there, but more miserable here. Humidity is gross.


therealDrA t1_j77p68a wrote

Depends where you live in LA...the San Fernando Valley is hotter but the westside and downtown/hollywood is cooler. Was born and lived in LA on both sides of "the hill" until I was 46. The beaches rarely go above 80.


FawmahRhoDyelindah t1_j7ehsi8 wrote

I moved to the 818 about twenty years ago to escape RI snow/winter. I complain every summer how hot it is out here, and it feels like it's getting hotter earlier each year. Used to be Aug and Sept were the brutal months; now it's July thru Oct.


therealDrA t1_j7ejk3p wrote

I lived in the 818 from 1970s to 2003 before moving to Hollywood from 2003-2016. The valley was getting more and more brutal in the 1990s..Hollywood was usually 10 degrees cooler but still brutal. I am a weather junkie and monitor my former is getting hotter and you are getting more humidity..not as bad as out east..but humidity was a thing maybe a day or two a year when I was growing up but I have noticed LA is getting muggy days more frequently. The Pacific ocean is getting warmer. RI is getting much warmer too. We have only had one measurable snow storm all season (in Dec). It was 50 degrees today and most of February is predicted to be similar. The summers are brutal...many more plus 90-95 days with high dew points and lows above 75. The locals say winters are nothing like before and summer's heat waves (four days of 90+ weather) are more frequent. Climate change sucks


DrMonkeyLove t1_j78dzvj wrote

It's New England. Those two maps are probably only three days apart.


alohaHappycampers t1_j78fsz3 wrote

at least where im at theres a snow sheild around the town, snow goes to the north of and to the south of, but usually doesnt ever get more than a slite dusting of the powpow


Stoicdadman t1_j78wcbf wrote

If you don't like the weather.....Wait a minute!


BigE1263 t1_j78xqtd wrote

I’d much rather have heatstroke than frostbite.