Submitted by silverhammer96 t3_10xzwht in RhodeIsland

Has anyone else felt like their electrical/gas bill from RI Energy is wildly inconsistent? I’ve gone months where I use very little gas or electric and the bill is suddenly quite high or months where I’m using a moderate amount of both but either get charged very low or not at all. Last month I used more gas and electricity than usual due to the weather yet didn’t get charged for gas and paid very little for electric. I don’t get it.



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huh_phd t1_j7v5zet wrote

They could be estimating your usage instead of actually reading the meter. Call them to actually read the meters (and do some real work)


jjohn9590 t1_j7vzo2p wrote

I just got a bill for a credit of about $87 that they overcharged me for, due to their guestimate vs reading the actual meter. Not sure what the hell they are doing.


silverhammer96 OP t1_j826pg5 wrote

Ya like why are the guessing and not keeping track of usage? I don’t mind because my bills have been low, but like really?


symbolic_love t1_j7x0o9k wrote

Yes. I just moved into a new place a few months ago and they’ve made several mistakes like you described.


Real_Default_User t1_j7x15ct wrote

Only pay electric here. I closely monitor usage and monthly charges.
Received a misc credit on Dec-Jan bill - estimated vs read I figure.
Would explain the all-over-the-place recent bills and seems to total out to correct billing here.
Didn't expect to have to do multiple months of bill calculations to check though.


Gwapmonsta t1_j7x46u4 wrote

Our bill is insane this month the distribution fee has doubled,


Asylum147 t1_j7x973j wrote

Same here. My bill is higher than it was in the summer when we were running 4 AC’s. I got a quote for the budget plan, it looks like it may be worth it.


talazia t1_j7zj01v wrote

Just be forewarned if you go over the budget fee you will be charged all at once. I got a bill for over $2000 at the end of my “budget” year.


Asylum147 t1_j80do2m wrote

Omg! Thank you for the heads up. I really appreciate it!


snowmand0 t1_j814mf6 wrote

The "days in billing cycle" have been really off too. For me, November had 38 days for me, December had 33, and January had 29. It's like they can't keep up with meter reads.