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tj51991 t1_jdxzxs0 wrote

Toughen up buttercup


strugglebus984 t1_jdy6phq wrote

I’ve lived in, and spent time in, quite a few states. RI is pretty great compared to other places. Bad driving? Happening all over, and I don’t see a difference between RI and other places I’ve lived. In fact, I see much fewer issues here. Rude people? RI people are WAY nicer than the last two states where I lived, which shall remain nameless. Expensive housing? Yeah, pretty much happening all over, and RI housing costs are, unfortunately, pretty similar to what many other states are experiencing. Everything being said here about affordable housing is the same conversation I’ve heard in other states. Boring? Nope. SO much to do here within an hour radius. When I lived in larger, more populated areas, I had to drive long distances because of urban sprawl. Just getting from one side of a city to another can easily take an hour because of how spread out everything was. Traffic was much, much worse in other places than anything I’ve seen in RI. The states in the US where housing is less expensive are primarily rural areas. There are no jobs and nothing to do in those places. Been there, done that too, and hated living in a small, rural place. The most rural area of RI is still within easy driving distance of Providence. I’d take RI over any of the places I’ve lived.


Eridu_Fallen t1_jdy9xde wrote

For real though. I’ve been a transplant into Rhode Island for seven years now and I will never move back to the Midwest. People here have it so good and they don’t even know what bad really is.


RandomChurn t1_jdzmf2e wrote

>I’d take RI over any of the places I’ve lived.

Same; lived in states south, north, and west of here as well as in a handful of other countries on other continents.

When I came back to the States and had my pick of any place to settle, I chose RI and have not once regretted it since -- I love Rhode Island ❤️


nixxon t1_jdxtoh0 wrote

The problem is that everyplace is just another place. They mostly suck. But in the end it's just a place and you can choose how to interact with it. Or not. I've tried moving long distances to escape my troubles and found that they have a way of following you.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_jdxo0yf wrote

I could tell you but would rather not everybody go there all at once.


BitterStatus9 t1_jdyai6w wrote

There's driving going on in RI? We need to put a stop to this.


RealKing17 t1_je0ihv8 wrote

When I visited rhode island despite having out of state plates everyone drove respectful around me! No one ever honked, flipped me off or anything. I'm confused why driving is a problem? You could live in my state and take 1 hour trips back and forth from home to work or shopping to home etc.


strugglebus984 t1_je2kaeq wrote

I feel the same. I don’t think driving or traffic are bad here at all. The streets that my RI neighbors complain as having huge amounts of traffic are just typical of all primary roads in my prior states.


RhodySeth t1_jdzmsxt wrote

I go to New Hampshire as often as I can do that’s my place.