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qwertyasdf123459 t1_jec4t8g wrote

For the price they charge, I hope they come with one of those get out of a ticket poker chip things


iandavid t1_jecgxuo wrote

Nah, those require a bribe donation to the RI Fraternal Order of Police.


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jecw8z9 wrote

I laugh every time I have to pull one of those badges off the license plate for an inspection. I leave it in the cup holder when I'm done. Can't have anything obstructing your plate, including plate frames that every dealership puts on the vehicles they sell.


DrMonkeyLove t1_jee1dmt wrote

It's worse when they put one on when I just bring my car in for maintenance!


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jee38u7 wrote

My wife's car had extended coverage. Every time it went into the shop for maintenance they would put a new one on, and as soon as she got home id take it off.cAfter the 3rd time I took them off right in the parking lot, went back inside and handed them to the manager. They never put them on again after that.


RedditSkippy t1_jecmlty wrote



drch33ks t1_jecys0g wrote

“Nah, fuck that!”

-The local cop who clocks you 8 mph over as soon as you’re off the interstate.


huh_phd t1_jecpxrv wrote

Couldn't you just peel one off of a plate in a parking lot and call it your own?

asking for a friend


Degothia t1_jec6b4r wrote

For real though. Interesting to see the puritanical authoritarian mind set beating out the desire for extra $$ though.


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jec7p71 wrote

It is insanity. They are missing out on millions in revenue. All over non sense. I have 2 cars waiting for vanity plates.


Havokk t1_jeczlui wrote

RI cant have vanity plates?


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jee3hm3 wrote

There was a big law suit involving a dude and his tesla. He got a vanity plate that says "FKGAS". A bunch of Karen's and Kevin's (is that the equivalent to a male karen?) Got butt hurt over it, took him to court, and because this guy has money to fight it he did and won.

Now none of us can have vanity plates. It's been years since they took the option away.


Havokk t1_jee6d7w wrote

Thats some serious bs... "FKarens"


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jee6oh0 wrote

Exactly. I see big lifted trucks driving around with "fuck biden" flags and bumper stickers, but we can't have vanity plates because it might closely resemble a bad word.


Addicted2GravyTears t1_jecnlj0 wrote

Let's not degrade Mr Sanders as such. If you're dying for a vanity plate, just man up and move to the great commonwealth...or CT. We both have plates waiting.


SqueakieDeekie t1_jedeux9 wrote

Ew. What self respecting Rhode Islander is moving to CT?


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jee3oyp wrote

I'm still in RI. And I don't have much respect for this state or how it's run. But when you don't know anything else.... mild case of Stockholm Syndome? Small joke.


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jecwmiw wrote

I've considered registering my older car in Vermont for that and other reasons. Grew up on the CT line, wouldn't mind living over in that area of CT.


techsavior t1_jee9r70 wrote

I never understood the appeal of customized license plates. I’m already paying the state to have my car registered (and paying the state to replace my plates because of a mandatory design change, after paying for replacement plates due to an undeclared defect that made the laminate peel). Why would I pay out the ass on top of that for a custom plate that does nothing for the usability of my car?


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jeebx58 wrote

Because I want one and it's my right as an American, dammit! /s

It's not that much more of a charge to have a vanity plate. I never had my plates peel on me, but have had to fail many cars for an inspection due to the defective laminate and being unable to read parts of the plate.

And before it gets mentioned, yes it does make your car easily identifiable, or makes you stick out more and draw more attention. When you drive a modified car, and a car thats not so common around here, your gonna stick out regardless.


Jack__Squat t1_jeedaym wrote

Is it (was it) $60 extra every time you renew, or only the first time?


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jeefesg wrote

It's $68 to get a vanity plate the first time, vs a boring regular plate is $32.50. Every time you have to renew your vanity plates is $120, where regular plates don't have that $120 extra, just based on vehicle weight plus a DOT charge of $15 and some random $2.50.

All from the current DMV websites "fee scedule"


Jack__Squat t1_jeefsal wrote

Thank you. I think the higher renewal fee is what turned me off years ago. I understand an initial fee for a custom print, but after that it should cost the same as everyone else. There's no extra work involved for renewal.


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jeefwfv wrote

That's RI for you. I'm still willing to pay. Guess the state doesn't care about the extra revenue.


beerspeaks t1_jeenbub wrote

Anything that makes my care MORE identifiable is an L.

Trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible.


Equivalent-Junket887 t1_jecvyd5 wrote

I don’t care for any RI vanity plates,RI’s stock plate is the chillest in the Union…


kamikazekenny420 OP t1_jecwe4b wrote

I'm not a fan of the new design. Glad I get to keep my hybrid green wave plate.... for now.


jacobwojo t1_jee9j84 wrote

Either of The Newport bridge designs would have been so much better then the wave . But noo cont have too much change.
At least I also have the hybrid plate.


Equivalent-Junket887 t1_jecxfgz wrote

Be happy you get to have one. I am outsider who is jealous,I want to live in RI badly.
