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t1_irgxtn0 wrote

Real Rhode Islanders call it bucket. A shame that these two are the options


t1_irjtzrb wrote

I've been known to call it that, but usually say "ptuckit" which is no problem but my phone can't understand that when I ask direction


t1_irl1tdf wrote

I am not a fan of McKee, however during Covid I was a "frequent flier" with the testing centers because of kids. (We should have gotten a punch card and a free sub sandwich)

When Kalus' company took the testing centers over it was fucking horrible. Overnight decline. Left the paperwork for my kids tests on a random table, lost multiple tests, crazy long lines, etc etc. It was unbelievable to the point where I tried to go to the website to file a complaint (full Karen). Their website at the time looked like it was made by Wix. It was the most unprofessionally made thing I had ever seen and you only had an option to fill out a form and someone might call you back (...they didn't).

My point is that if Kalus claims to be a business woman who can't even run a business with butt-tons of unrestricted govt money being thrown at her, how the hell is she going to run a state?


t1_irr5sb6 wrote

>how the hell is she going to run a state?

...she knows nothing about?


t1_irrrm10 wrote

She's an opportunist.
She bought a second home here in January (probably from the $$ she got for her testing centers - instead of hiring trained staff) and registered to run in March. She saw blood in the water and went for it, hoping to line her pockets further.


OP t1_irmh68b wrote

99.9% sure it will go to McKee but it’s going to be another whacky split between candidates it will probably be more of a 40ish% split though that 20% Will be for those right ends and randoms that won the appeal to be placed on the ballot.


t1_irh0amg wrote

That’s it: I’m writing in Robert Healey. Obviously RI doesn’t need a governor either.


OP t1_irig8id wrote

I’m looking forward to hearing about the random names people write in this year. It’s going to be a loopy election for sure.


t1_iron4c9 wrote

I am not happy McKee won the primary, won the primary, he's been a big nothing as a governor, but I don't want anyone who claims to look up to Ron DeSantis anywhere near the Governor's office.


t1_irk750p wrote

Great. Now I'm not even sure if I'm pronouncing seagull properly.


t1_irk02lz wrote

Seriously though. How are they our two choices…


OP t1_irl0gnz wrote

Extremely poor turn out with the primaries. I realize it’s a meh election year but we actually do have a bunch of things on the line.

McKee surfed through the past 18 months on Gina’s remaining platforms, I can 100% confirm that he has no legit plans for the state besides calling the National Guard.


t1_irmu3xg wrote

This state is a conservative blue state and will always be as long as people don’t vote. We had some of the most pitiful turnout in the country for our primary. Rhode Islanders don’t care about their state.


t1_irky09n wrote

A seagull would run a better debate than these "people."


t1_irjpcgx wrote

McKee will be going to jail either way.


OP t1_irkzwr8 wrote

We are somehow more sophisticated than CT and our governors don’t end up in jail.