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OP t1_irmmp8c wrote

After living and driving in RI for 3 years now, I think this about sums my impressions. Picture is worth a thousand curse words.


t1_irmqjmd wrote

Good Lord! Lmao that AI ain't playing, that does look like a tough commute.

With a few road kills.


t1_irmu33s wrote

Rhode Islanders with somewhat decent driving skills trying to get through everything else.


t1_iroo0uw wrote

From DALL-E? What was the prompt? ("Rush hour on Atwell's"? :-) )


OP t1_iszu3td wrote

I can’t remember exactly, I do so many of these things. I do remember I specifically used ‘Providence, RI’ in whatever it was. It may be I just applied one of those ‘dystopian’ styles.