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Coincel_pro t1_j20vabv wrote

Shoulda used chunky


PVDeviant- t1_j20zot7 wrote

Hey, this cluster of nuts look just like a magazine on the xray! Wait a minute, this is supposed to be smooth!!!


SNES_Punk t1_j26f5rq wrote

Shhh...Seth MacFarlane is lurking here somewhere. Don't give him Family Guy cutaway ideas.


longislandtoolshed t1_j1zwvu3 wrote

> A Rhode Island man was arrested after a Transportation Security Administration officer found parts of a disassembled handgun in two plastic jars of Jif peanut butter in his checked bag at John F. Kennedy International Airport, authorities said.

>The TSA said its officer found the .22-caliber gun parts wrapped in plastic within the peanut butter jars on Thursday. According to the TSA, the man’s checked bag triggered an alarm in a Terminal 8 X-ray unit in the Queens, N.Y., airport, prompting the TSA officer to open the bag and find the firearm parts. The TSA notified Port Authority Police. Police confiscated the items, which included a magazine loaded with bullets, found the man in the terminal, and arrested him.

>“The gun parts were artfully concealed in two smooth creamy jars of peanut butter,” said John Essig, TSA’s Federal Security Director for JFK Airport, in a news release. “Our officers are good at their jobs and are focused on their mission — especially during the busy holiday travel period,” Essig said.

>The TSA says travelers can take their firearms on a flight if they have a permit and the gun is properly packed. It must be unloaded, packed in a locked hard-sided case, and declared at the check-in counter.

>Authorities did not release the man’s name. The TSA says civil penalties for bringing undeclared weapons include fines of up to $15,000.


MonicaPVD t1_j1zlq8k wrote

I'd be willing to bet that his peanut butter scheme was intended to fool customs officials in his destination country, where incoming luggage is rarely checked. Probably ignored the fact that everything gets xrayed here, too. Oops.


Beebeeleen t1_j1zoqpv wrote

What a complete steaming mess of crap. I'll tell you what this is about: the government infringing on our rights. This whole peanut allergy thing has gone too far.

Are the feds gonna bust through my door to confiscate all my jars of peanut butter?

And what self-respecting man doesn't enjoy a gun flavored peanutbutter and jelly sammich?

I'm through with these totalitarian peanut allergy gestapo-commie ninjas. If I want a peanutbutter gun and jelly sammich, nobody can say otherwise. If this right isn't in the constitution already then it should be. My body; my choice.


spatial_needs t1_j20i1zg wrote

Enjoy those sandwiches while you still can because the gluten will be next.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j1ztazh wrote

Could just be someone who probably isn't allowed to have a gun in the first place. Or an idiot that doesn't understand the physical properties of peanut butter and is really paranoid.


glennjersey t1_j2025ph wrote

100% this.

I've read in other threads that this is a pretty common smuggling technique used in prisons.

If you can legally possess the firearm in question in the state in question, you can declare it any fly with it.

Places like ny and NJ disregard federal law on this frequently though.


Sarcofaygo t1_j212x5p wrote

He got caught in a JIFfy


GossamerGlenn t1_j21dris wrote

The penut butter trick is for drugs or anything else not pure metal


PipeLayer2016 t1_j21hkzo wrote

Boston globe pay wall bull shit. Also, didn't this happen a week ago?
