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Ekh0es t1_jabg3k6 wrote

Yeah I remember once in 7th grade some kid wanted to sit in my seat so he made me move. When he sat down after I moved he was like "eww it's all warm" and he threw up. I never felt more embarrassed.


QuentinSH t1_jac1c56 wrote

Wth kid needed their stomach checked, ppl don’t just throw up easily


Ekh0es t1_jac1xch wrote

I was just that gross I guess


frickinwhiz OP t1_jacp9np wrote

OK, that kid was just a jerk. With an overly sensitive gag reflex.


Little-Variation8268 t1_jabrplf wrote

(Ladies, I'm sure this happens to you more than guys)
Don't ya hate it when you have to go sit in a public restroom to do your business and the seat is still warm from the previous occupant?


namaitu t1_jac236h wrote

Unless you're talking toilet seats specifically, I think that just might be you.


frickinwhiz OP t1_jacp3l9 wrote

I’m thinking any hard chair, really. When you’re a kid sitting down at a desk someone sat in before you, waiting room chair, restaurant chair…

As for toilets, if you’re super fancy, you can get a super fancy toilet that has a seat warmer that’ll warm the seat up while you’re sitting on it, and that’s fine, but if you sit on a toilet that someone else warmed, it’s definitely not fine.


namaitu t1_jacpoyc wrote

Ye, that's what I'm saying.. if you're referring to toilet seats, I can see where you're coming from. I can't on any other seat, thus thinking it might be your problem and yours alone. Or that of a rather small group of people.


Because69 t1_jabgpuf wrote

Well yea, I don't want someone else's ass heat touching my ass


zenthing t1_jade2hw wrote

Seat heaters were a well-respected job in old drafty castles. Royalty would hire both men and women who were particularly thick and have them sit in chairs ahead of arrival into that room. This was especially useful for banquets as they would serve as a seat holder, allowing the nobles to arrive fashionably late and still have a good spot for dinner. In the late 1890s, William Hoskins invented the heating coil, which caused mass unemployment in this industry.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jabcgcp wrote

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mtrainlover t1_jacebmk wrote

Unless if you sit on a warm toilet seat after a hot guy has just sat there, thinking that you're connecting with him. And become aroused at that thought.


SholoGrim t1_jadhbih wrote

im a certified pyschopath and i enjoy sitting on a nice warm toilet seat. i’ve never encountered a heated toilet


frickinwhiz OP t1_jaepg0t wrote

High-end Japanese toilets have seat warmers. They’ll even play music to help mask the sound of actually going to the bathroom.

And good luck with the whole psychopath thing…


Oxygene13 t1_jadyu84 wrote

At work I switch places with people quite often as I sit at their places to fix their computers then let them back on. I quite regularly get completed 'the seats all nice and warm'. Still not quite sure how to take it, or just come right out and say 'yeah because I've got a HOT ARSE'