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gringledoom t1_iu73f4z wrote

Agreed. When things go wrong from the start, you can just go into “white-knuckle it until EOD” mode and hope the next day is better!


Seboya_ t1_iu7q2o0 wrote

Everyone octopus dies? Wtf is eod?


Woig t1_iu817x2 wrote

Explosive Ordnance Disposal


ooodummy t1_iu88dha wrote

Edge of darkness


jdl_uk t1_iu8cuon wrote

Electronic Orchestra of Darkness, ELO's goth doubles from a parallel universe


Quartia t1_iub6wgl wrote

Meanwhile if it's a bad day that started out good it means something big happened.


Atilat1977 t1_iu6hw48 wrote

Had such a day today.

My boss çame in, in a terrible mood. Luckily she left, so we could relax.

Day started shit, but ended fine.


lord_ne t1_iu6utdl wrote

Eh. A bad day that starts out bad and ends bad is worse than a bad day that starts out good and ends bad. There's more total badness. But yeah a bad day that starts out bad and ends good is probably better


Buunnyyy t1_iu7gns7 wrote

But if there is something good, the bad kills all the good so you're left with just bad.


sygnathid t1_iu9ae5q wrote

Sometimes things are that way, because the bad thing is much larger in scale/scope than the good, but if this happens often for you then you should probably see a therapist or some other emotional support person. The bad shouldn't kill all the good.


itzjustice t1_iuayagc wrote

agreed with the last part! a bad day must always end good--with your perspective or lesson learned!


dadOwnsTheLibs t1_iubih4d wrote

I’d say the gradient of your day’s quality affects your mood rather than “total badness.” Like if the day is bad your mood is unchanged but if things start going wrong you feel worse


csoncrant89 t1_iu88en5 wrote

A bad day that starts out bad and finishes bad is a perfect recipe for an explosive ending. Signed- someone with severe manic depression (among other mental health issues)


redrunrerun t1_iu7cuhv wrote

awful day today, been working my ass off every single day at a hospital and my supervisor just gave me the most offensive feedback, it’s not in line with what i perceive of my performance at all and i always try to keep an eye of how i can do better, right now im feeling like a pushover just because im pretty upset and don’t feel ready to deal with this dumpster fire yet. i just feel so underappreciated and im so drained, but i love what i do. it sucks.


CheckMateFluff t1_iu8857s wrote

Hey, listen, I'm sorry that happened. We do the best we can with what we know, and when we know better, we do better. If you believe you did your best, that's all you can do. I'm proud of you if that counts.


crlamy440 t1_iub0g5q wrote

proud of you too! you did your best everyday and you just can't please everyone so be easy on yourself


Buunnyyy t1_iu7gjek wrote

Oh I agree :-(. Was finishing up my resume for a really awesome job, refreshed the page after hours of working on it just to see the job offer disappear. That was really painful.


addy_daddy_07 OP t1_iu7i7hn wrote

That is the worst feeling… sorry that happened to you


edziopotato t1_iuc7leo wrote

that is really heartbreaking! things happen for a reason but i wish you wouldn't go through the same thing ever again


MasterZenSay t1_iu7oycg wrote

I'm sorry but that makes no mathematical sense. I cannot get behind this.


AIphnse t1_iu8hk9x wrote

Actually it does, if you start the day at x amount of happiness and you end the day at -x, you’ve experienced a change of -2x of happiness over the course of the day. If you start the day a -x amount of happiness and you end up at -x, your happiness hasn’t experienced any change -2x < 0 therefore a day that starts bad and stays bad isn’t as bad as a day that starts good and ends bad


External_Loquat_3330 t1_iu8zv2r wrote

You can abuse equations in this sense to prove any point. Using your math, if i start the day at x and end at -x, my total sadness averages out to 0 sadness. If I start at -x and stay at -x then my average sadness is, you guessed it, -x.


MasterZenSay t1_iu8zhy3 wrote

Not if the rate of change is the same in the good and bad day, which in your example isn't so it isn't a fair comparison. You weren't very good at math word problems, were you?


Ancient_Axe t1_iu8gd7i wrote

I had a good day that ended bad yesterday and can confirm that this shower thought is true


Slow-Razzmatazz-4005 t1_iu8wjjc wrote

Yup. Best day I was having this year was had a lovely day with the Mrs. Made love. Went out to eat at s nice restaurant. Went for a walk. Finally took my phone out, I'd had it on silent so as not to disturb the date. My grandma had died . Best to worst day ever


Pat031 t1_iu6p3e3 wrote

And a good day that starts out bad is better than a good day that starts out good!


jacquelynhicks81 t1_iubohsc wrote

why would you trade a perfectly good day that starts out good for a good day that starts out bad in the first place?


bajungadustin t1_iu8cgd9 wrote

So if I gained 70k on stocks in the morning but lose 80k in the evening making it a bad day.. Its somehow worse than losing 70k in the morning and another 80k in the evening?


hrthrtbverv t1_iubl8s2 wrote

this is the perfect analogy to explain why a bad day ending good is much better!!!


WeissMISFIT t1_iu8pj8a wrote

TFW when you're trading with tens of millions and losing 150K is just around 1% of your account.

Stocks were a terrible example bro, it's not about $ but about %.


bajungadustin t1_iu8pt6w wrote

What? It was about having a bad day or not. Both of those are bad days. But one was better and not the one the OP suggested.

No matter what your portfolio is losing money is generally bad. It might be less of a bad day when you are a billionaire but that wasn't really the point.


IGotHitByAHockeypuck t1_iu8et9d wrote

I disagree

-me who just woke up in pretty excruciating backpain


Ballcuzzi_Straw t1_iu8k6bl wrote

And that’ll likely continue so idk about you (well, I do actually cuz you disagree with OP, as do I), but I’d rather wake up with no back pain and then get it at the end of the day than wake up with back pain and end with back pain.


IGotHitByAHockeypuck t1_iu8m9cg wrote

Exactly this

(Mine seems to be fine/gone right now but that bitch might return. It tends to do that. And if not it’ll likely return tomorrow. I need to work soon let’s hope it doesn’t return)


killeratt t1_iub4x5j wrote

well i would rather not have any back pain at all, but i liked this analogy and know i don't know what i'm standing up for anymore


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iu67qp1 wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


john-johnson12 t1_iu81xix wrote

Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all i say


pellealb t1_iubnyd5 wrote

better to have eaten a not so delicious dish than to stay hungry


soda-jerk t1_iu8sl1f wrote

I disagree. With a bad day that starts off that way, you're stuck with it, stressed out, all day long.

I'd prefer to have at least a partly good day, and save my body from some unnecessary stress.


mazzoo375 t1_iu8zscg wrote

I would much rather have a bad day that started with a good morning BJ than a good morning kick to the nuts.


mow77580throwaway t1_iu9029n wrote

No. The overall badness isn't. Just the bad-celleration is higher.


RegularBasicStranger t1_iu93ym9 wrote

But a lot of bad things have a persistent negative effect so the bad effect is cumulative thus unless the total cumulative bad effect is the same for both cases, a bad day that starts out bad is worse.


fanguorn t1_iuc1m6t wrote

yes! and if you're having a bad day from the very start, you will share or pass on that bad energy to other people you interact with along the day and that would result to more people having a bad energy and bad day and that would just really suck.


RegularBasicStranger t1_iuhy6fz wrote

Even if the person is fully isolated and thus cannot affect anyone else, it would still be bad for that person who is experiencing the bad day.


2BU22 t1_iu9eb88 wrote

Also, a bad day is a bad day. Period. Idk how one is better than the other lol. You’d rather enjoy none of the day than some of it? I don’t know that I follow 🤣


addy_daddy_07 OP t1_iuadvzk wrote

The let down is harder when things are going well than if they are already bad


2BU22 t1_iuah744 wrote

I disagree, I think that’s a personal/psychology thing, it’s like how can this day get any worse then it gets worse and all you wanna do it sleep for the next day to come. Or you have half a good day and it ends shit but it’s like oh well shit happens. In any rate this doesn’t apply to everyone imo and is a matter of personal thought process.


bby_dilla_rex t1_iu9ijj2 wrote

I completely disagree. Whenever my day starts off bad I can’t appreciate that good that comes afterwards if I’m in a bad mood.


bhu95aiv t1_iuanq1d wrote

i definitely agree! you would just feel horrible the whole day and the bad will overpower anything good. and until you sleep,l and end the day, you would appreciate anything good that day because you only focused on the bad.


bby_dilla_rex t1_iuf5knr wrote

To be fair, it takes all types to make up this world and everyone is different. But personally I have ocd and bpd so I have trouble getting out of a negative loop. Once my day starts off bad it’s hard to correct it the rest of the day ‘cause I can’t stop thinking about that bad thing that happened. And I’m most emotionally vulnerable when I first wake up in the morning. However when my day starts good I feel like nothing can stop me.


bby_dilla_rex t1_iuf5vte wrote

Hope anyone reading this has a great day today. I know I’m just a stranger on the internet but I’m sending all of you good vibes and smiles in hopes you take them to heart :)


hootersmcboob t1_iub9gpj wrote

i think i a day must start out good first so it would not be a bad whole day but only a bad half day or a bad part of the day