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radabdivin t1_j1l2sdx wrote

The number of people who saw the original post will never increase, so being that I'm not one of them in all the years I've been on reddit, I'm thankful for reposts, and nonjudgemental of those who imply they are. Happy holidays.


BeepBlipBlapBloop t1_j1kyrsh wrote

No, but the number of times this thought gets reposted does. . . constantly


Kristallus t1_j1majkb wrote

I saw a shower thought with the exact same wording already this week. It’s not even interesting enough to be reposted so frequently


ThatOtherGuy_CA t1_j1mugel wrote

The shower thought automod is terrible, you can post something, even after searching it through Reddit and Google, just to have it removed for being “to similar to another post” or ”common shower thoughts” which they conveniently don’t link which posts it is similar to.

Then a blatant repost like this makes it through.


Sixhaunt t1_j1lfxb3 wrote

it wont, but it technically could. We would just need to be able to achieve the ability to travel near the speed of light


centerally_votated t1_j1lps8f wrote

You don't need to go that extreme at all. Just constant acceleration in space for a year with existing technology will severely put you out of lock step with those on earth temporally (not temporarily.)


CatastropheJohn t1_j1l5j3g wrote

Let’s make a new years resolution to not post this one again.


DaMadVillain t1_j1minrm wrote

Unless the resuscitation is successful... Or you were born on February 29th


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j1kyj80 wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.