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t1_j5zdy55 wrote

But you can sing baby shark in your head constantly, and that is a huge win.


t1_j60tb0i wrote

I would prefer This is the song that never ends…


t1_j60xy8t wrote

The one that goes on and on, my friends?


t1_j613jvs wrote

Somebody started singing it not knowing what it was…


t1_j60u3ht wrote

My mind voice actually changes the volume .. weird....

You can mess with mind readers by randomly stopping thoughts mid sentence and thinking "btw i know you can read my mind" and continue


t1_j62uswo wrote

Yup, thoughts definitely can get noticeably and unmistakably loud


t1_j62uuwd wrote

Would be pathetically funny for mind readers though .. they can't just close their ears to this


t1_j60x34t wrote

The voice in my head can totally yell. Speak for yourself lol


t1_j61ozpk wrote

They don't have tinnitus.


t1_j659y30 wrote

I’m not sure if I have tinnitus or something else, but when I was younger , and nap time came and I would be in my room dead silent , it felt like the walls would be yelling at me. Now I know I just need a fan or white noise but when I didn’t understand it and sat with it, it was horrible.


t1_j603ucx wrote

Actually sometimes my thoughts get stuck yelling for like an hour at a time and its very stressful


t1_j60s7tp wrote

It may not have volume, but it can certainly vary in INTENSITY ^(a bit).

especially in a world that has psychic powers, it maybe a latent power even in non telepaths to forcibly and intentionally broadcast to receptive type telepaths.

You can also annoy them with the content of a message. Even if I cant crank up the volume, playing earworms on loop is real irritating.

You can also string together phrases and images interspersed with the impression of static to make them think their power is on the fritz


t1_j611srk wrote

False, the voice in my head just yelled "buttlicker our prices have never been lower!!!" It was aggressive


t1_j5zsl7y wrote

In a Larry Niven story, a person resists a telepathic carnivore by concentrating on the taste of a raw carrot.


t1_j60tojc wrote

I just constantly have Boku no Pico going on in the background of my thoughts


t1_j5zdz6u wrote

That's a relief! Maybe we should start making noise-cancelling headphones for mindreaders, just in case. ;)


t1_j60gmzt wrote

I might bore them to death since I'm aphantasic and also lack any internal monologue. Have fun looking and listening to nothingness.


t1_j60jnzj wrote

How does that work exactly? Like do you always just say every single thing you've ever said without any forethought?


t1_j61emyu wrote

There's always thought, but for me it's more like abstract data than an internal monologue.

For me personally I don't think I'm completely on that side of the spectrum but I did find it frustrating that I found it hard to engage in live conversation as it took me a while to convert thoughts to language.

This did lead to many people thinking me simple in my younger years.

I eventually compensated by memorising tons of scripts that I could use to engage in conversation which I use in day-to-day conversation and use it to buy time while I work out how to convert unscripted thoughts into language


t1_j61hl23 wrote

I can see why that would lead people to think you were a bit slow or simple as you put it. That's got to be hard to explain to your average adult as an adult, let alone with the vocabulary a normal child.


t1_j61j48h wrote

To be fair I had no idea everyone wasn't like this until partway through secondary school.

Was learning another language and some of the class had spent a good amount of time overseas immersed in that language and came back saying their thoughts sometimes switched between languages.

To my confusion I asked how their thoughts had a voice which confused everyone else who didn't understand how thoughts couldn't have a voice


t1_j61z1iq wrote

For me, it works vastly differently from what the other guy wrote above. There is thought, I just don't hear my own voice "reading out loud" what I'm currently thinking, I just know that I'm thinking about it.

I've never had to memorize scripts for social interaction or anything like that, on the contrary, I'm a professor and I usually give my classes without much preparation, words just flow.

Aphantasia is a spectrum, so every experience will be different, some just don't see mental imagery, some don't have "mental smell", or hearing, or can't recreate physical sensations. I'm a total aphant so I don't have any of those, yet I still know what is red or how a truck sounds.

The best analogy I've seen is that of a PC that works perfectly fine, with its processor, its hard drive, graphics card and so on, it's just that the monitor is off.

Edit: I also lived until I was 25 without even knowing other people could do that in their minds. I still can't imagine how (pun intended)


t1_j62xb9p wrote

That sounds sort of like being in a state of flow constantly.


t1_j64o1zc wrote

Sooort of, it's not nearly as impressive as it sounds. Yeah I'm constantly "in the moment", but I too experience the flow state and it's quite different from my normal state of mind.

Some might argue they'd kill for being able to live in the present, but I'd kill to be able to play back my memories in my mind, instead of having a "list of things I've done" kind of memory.

All that being said, I did go through a depressive period when I realized this, but now I've come to see it in a different light.


t1_j635r4l wrote

I have that being able to just talk in a flow state as well. I used to do it high school when we had to give oral reports that didn't require handing anything in. These days it comes in handy with an argument or a debate.


t1_j60yhac wrote

Don't have to...anyone who could read my mind would have a mental breakdown, which is much more annoying than being yelled at telepathically.


t1_j603upe wrote

If you put a volume knob on your brain stereo you can’t totally adjust the volume.


t1_j606ykt wrote

Try to force your skull to vibrate when you scream in your head (don't it's dangerous)


t1_j60j9iv wrote

fun fact: most readers tried to shout in ther thoughts, but realized they can't.


t1_j611gxe wrote

You don't know the things the voice in my head is capable of


t1_j612ch7 wrote

No but I have way worse things I could think about that would make them think twice about trying it again, ever, on anyone.


t1_j612k97 wrote

I think about this a lot. Not the mind reader part, but how I'll play a song in my head with all the different dynamics and everything and it feels genuine even though technically the "volume" isn't changing


t1_j613ayo wrote

You ever get high as balls, and it feels like your thoughts are “louder” somehow?


t1_j61exxr wrote

I can raise the volume of the voice in my head. By yelling at myself internally!!! Ahhhhh


t1_j61tvgj wrote

i personally annoy them by constantly having welcome to the black parade on loop in there.


t1_j62uklm wrote

No but I can apparently wake myself up with extremely loud but fake lightning.


t1_j631k4u wrote

I know every 1980s - 1990s cartoon theme song and I'm not afraid to use them. 1 word. Digimon


t1_j631m1o wrote

False. My inner monologue stays approximately the same volume the whole time, except when one of three things happen:

I have a panic attack (happens an unhealthy amount, every few times I go out for dinner)

I have a headache

An episode of, yes, it is a thing, “Exploding Head Syndrome” kicks in. Nothing is louder than waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, a minute later being almost asleep, then the noise of a wave breaking over your head, combined with screaming, talking, and pretty much every sound you know plays in your head at maximum volume. 0/10, would not recommend.


t1_j634104 wrote

Yes but I can turn on my chaotic adhd and anxiety and they can suffer with me


t1_j637hfd wrote

Oh I don’t think that is true at all. My niece has been a “loud thinker” pretty much since the day she was born.


t1_j63ongd wrote

No, but I can recreate the sound of my tinnitus. May not be loud, but very piercing.


t1_j63w4g6 wrote

Imagines car alarms, fire alarm low battery beeps, and all the first person suicide, and possible deaths i can, mind readers would be sick of me since ion need to scream when theyre reading my mind


t1_j60wh5l wrote

You have a voice in your head?

I think that's not supposed to happen?


t1_j60z8z5 wrote

Thes conversations on posts like this are always super interesting, because they're full of some people realizing that some people have inner dialogue and others realizing that not everyone does.