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Lucy_Little_Spoon t1_j6i7nd1 wrote

Woke is just a word bigots use to avoid the obvious truth though.

The truth being that compassion is what we want, and we're called Woke for it, but bigots don't like to claim they have no compassion, so they need a new word, which is why they went with Woke.


JadeMarco t1_j6i84lb wrote



Lucy_Little_Spoon t1_j6i87u4 wrote

When you realise the word woke is a stand-in for the word compassionate, the post doesn't make sense.


JadeMarco t1_j6i8n4q wrote

That might be, but woke and compassionate are by no means the same thing


ChibiSailorMercury t1_j6i9ma0 wrote

You're right. Woke means both compassionate and aware of the struggles (whether past or present) of people who are marginalized. It also means being aware that we can all do better when it comes to supporting our human, animal or environmental brethren.


JadeMarco t1_j6i9wbb wrote

I have never heard the term used in that context. Maybe it's different where you live but where I'm from that description does not fit.


ChibiSailorMercury t1_j6ii29b wrote

Woke (/ˈwoʊk/ WOHK) is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination".[1][2] Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for American Left ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.


Lucy_Little_Spoon t1_j6i8uq7 wrote

Yes, yes they are. Some people are just more aggressive about it. We don't see videos of normal, everyday interactions, we only ever hear about the people that have freaked out and made a big scene, because that is what gets likes/clicks/traction.


JadeMarco t1_j6i9ocu wrote

No, no they aren't. Compassionate people are great and while I agree that they might not get as much attention as they deserve sometimes, they do get attention. Woke is used to describe basically crazy people who claim to have good intentions but even if they do, their methods are very aggressive, even hateful in achieving what they perceive as the only good way.


Lucy_Little_Spoon t1_j6ia69u wrote

Woke means you're aware of and care about social issues that affect people negatively, such as trans people being a heavily marginalised community under attack on a near constant basis.

Now, basic human compassion would tell you to care about an issue like that, but bigots would tell you you're woke for caring about an issue like that.

So which is it? Because it seems like they ARE the same thing, and also, that's an anecdote.


JadeMarco t1_j6j4jdw wrote

Haven't the woke people given that name to themselves, though? They came up with it


Xralius t1_j6ihvig wrote

Uhhhhhh no they aren't the same thing.

Its possible to care about such issues and not be compassionate, or be compassionate and not care about such issues.


Lucy_Little_Spoon t1_j6ipqgf wrote

How is it possible to care about such issues and not be compassionate?

The only thing I can think of is people using certain social issues to turn a profit, like companies changing their logos to rainbow for Pride Month. But that's not caring about the issues, that's them using the issues to turn a profit, not the same thing.


Xralius t1_j6iubps wrote

I mean you can be a huge douchebag and still care about certain issues. I mean fuck, someone can be a serial killer and still care about social issues.

You can "care" about issues because you think it makes you look better, or to feel good about yourself, or societal pressure.

You can prioritize in a way that isn't good. Putting small issues you care about ahead of big issues.

You can care about issues but have bad ideas / solutions.

You can care about issues and shit on other people who also care about those issues but are less vocal on it.

You can care about issues and shit on other people who also care about those issues but have a different opinions on those issues.

You can care about the issues but not actually care about the people involved.

Also... just because you are coming from a place of compassion doesn't mean you're right. Everyone is the good guy from their own perspective.

But more to the point, woke is not a synonym for "compassionate" by any stretch of the imagination. You can argue being woke comes from a place of compassion (which I'd argue isn't true for many people), but the words simply don't mean the same thing... at all.

Being woke just means social issues are important to you and you want progressive change regarding them.


FoFoAndFo t1_j6ie6ma wrote

I noticed you haven't used a synonym for woke, just acted confused when somebody else came up with one. The reason you can't come up with a word that means the same as woke is it is a catch-all for a social-economic-cultural-historic-moral that you disagree with. It's also why woke is so useful for Fox News: it doesn't require any specific use it's just a broad brush with which to shit on the progressive agenda or really anything they don't like without having to say why.


G-G-G-G-Ghosts t1_j6mrq74 wrote

When everyone is drunk, the ones who are actually drunk are the ones who aren’t drunk.

Read that and reflect on how stupid you are.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j6i5jog wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Sleepy_Membership_ t1_j6i5p50 wrote

A wise saying indeed! It just goes to show that true knowledge comes from within and not by following the crowd. So keep your eyes open and stay woke!


LionSlav t1_j6ios9y wrote

When everyone is "woke", the ones who are actually woke are the ones who aren't "woke".

It's the same shit as feminism, the American and internet political culture will change its common meaning by perverting its ideas and applications into something wrong. Being woke is good, being part of "woke culture" is bad.
