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DutchLudovicus t1_iu3ew60 wrote

I had a question how this subreddit works. My personal opinion was not that relevant, as I could have picked anorher topic on this subreddit to ask this question.

But you are dying for my personal take, which again has little to do with my question. I am in favor of marriage being in line with the unitive and procreative aspects it entails. And if it does not fulfill these criteria than there is no marriage to begin with. It is akin to start calling penguins, zebras. Does it bother me, yeah a bit, a penguin is not a zebra. But than again if majority would like it, than that is what majority rule entails. But I wouldn't applaud another country to change their own fundamental understanding of words into things it by definition could not be. As a penguin could never be a zebra. And a SSM could never be unitive and procreative in intent. Well I supose people could want to change definitions of words, but in my book, that's not how words ought to work. Want to use a word to mean something new/different adapt a new word for it.

But again I wasn't dying to give my opinion on this topic, or on any other topic. I just wanted to know how this subreddit even works. Which quite frankly is still unclear.


Mach12gamer t1_iu3ktzo wrote

Crazy how the “just asking questions” crowd always turns out to be bigoted. Fun fact buddy: people have been having kids long, long before marriage was invented (for primarily monetary and political reasons). Thanks for not lying about being a homophobe though, makes it so much quicker.