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sanorace t1_iw97vz2 wrote

I'm happy for him, but r/OrphanCrushingMachine.

"Meanwhile, Stockport council revealed asylum seekers “cooped up” in a hotel faced a scabies outbreak and “inhumane treatment”."


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rakeruk t1_iw9iupc wrote

Illegal immigrant. He passed through a number of safe countries before he got to the UK. He could have claimed asylum in any one of them.

The likelihood is is that he paid a large sum of money to cross the English Channel to get to the UK. So he had a lot of money as it’s circa £15k for the crossing.

Let’s not paint them as asylum seekers. They’re not. Not at all.


GastricallyStretched t1_iw9klt8 wrote

>He could have claimed asylum in any one of them.

He could have but he chose not to. You can't force anyone to apply for asylum, and there's no obligation to seek asylum in the "first safe country". The UN Refugee Convention makes no such requirement.

> Let's not paint them as asylum seekers.

He applied for asylum, and so he is by definition an asylum seeker until a decision is made about his application.


CinnamonBlue t1_iw6yy7a wrote

Why the UK?


firthy t1_iw8lmev wrote

Why not? I’ve lived here for fifty plus years and it’s great. I’d definitely want to come here if I didn’t already live here.


[deleted] t1_iw86upq wrote



Mediamuerte t1_iw8zyka wrote

Have a look at what Iran does to its own people


bigdave41 t1_iw9fq5z wrote

What the theocratic regime does to the people you mean? A country's population is not a monolith, and a sizeable majority especially of young people hate and want to get rid of the regime.


Mediamuerte t1_iw9lbos wrote

Well they've tolerated it for 50 years


bigdave41 t1_iw9mapk wrote

What do you even mean to say by that? That because things have been shitty there for a long time, people shouldn't try to leave now? Do you have any idea what it's like to live under a theocratic dictatorship? Where saying the wrong thing can get you or your family tortured and executed?


bigdave41 t1_iw9fyqw wrote

For one thing he appears to speak English pretty well, if you were fleeing an oppressive regime and you had to choose where to go, would you not choose somewhere where you spoke the language?