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ti-theleis t1_j0baka7 wrote

It's not about whether it's "perfect", it's that it's more expensive for farmers to raise traditional mixed purpose chicken breeds - meat breeds grow faster and put on weight more efficiently (to the point that, uh, some of them often break their legs growing so fast and I hope those ones are banned). It's just more cost effective to kill male chicks from egg breeds than to raise and sell them.

I don't love the system but it's definitely about cost rather than taste.


Soup_and_death_grips t1_j0bgq11 wrote

I get that too. But that's easily fixed by legislation.


MikeLinPA t1_j0c1t6x wrote

It would be a bad use of resources. We shouldn't legislate to force agriculture to waste resources and raise poor quality meat chickens to sell expensively to consumers. It would be bad for everyone.


Soup_and_death_grips t1_j0dlh38 wrote

At this point you get to a matter of opinion/ethics. I personally think decreasing cruelty/waste of life is worth the cost in resources. You may think otherwise.


MikeLinPA t1_j0e1h67 wrote

If people go vegan, this stops being an issue. Until then, we shouldn't over-regulate the industry because it will only create new problems.

No, I am not vegan, but I understand fully where my food comes from. We can try to be less cruel, but the meat industry is harsh by its very nature.

Have a good night.


Soup_and_death_grips t1_j0ebqlg wrote

I'm not someone who subscribes to the idea of 'over regulation'. Capable ministers should be able to form regulations that function smoothly.

People aren't going to go 100% vegan for a very long time, I don't think problems caused by 'over-regulation' is a reason to not try to stop baby chicks being thrown into macerators. To me personally, stopping that is more important than any 'new problems.' The world isn't black and white, and I'm very much against perfect being the enemy of good ('...the meat industry is harsh..."). Yes it is harsh, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't work to make it less so.

A good night to you too.