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chuckdooley t1_j2ed8y5 wrote

When I was ~4, my family moved to a small town in Kansas from Southern California

We hadn’t found a house yet and were living in an apartment during that time. We were at a laundromat when the tornado sirens went off one day.

I don’t remember much, just being confused about what the alarm meant and why everyone was freaking out. Anyway, we noticed some folks across the street motioning for us to come over.

It was a McDonalds and we all ran over and went to the basement. I don’t really remember for sure, but I feel like they gave us cookies that were like shortbread maybe? They were the shapes of the McDonald’s characters if I remember correctly.

It’s kinda funny, thanks to that, my first tornado experience was a somewhat positive one, thanks to those McDonalds employees…which is kinda wild.

I’ll tell you, the real tragedy of the night was mom cutting us off at two packs of cookies each….we could have had as many as we wanted!


Tofutti-KleinGT t1_j2ekzmp wrote

Oh you just unearthed an ancient memory with those cookies! Glad you were able to find shelter.


chuckdooley t1_j2ep6rc wrote

I hadn’t thought about them in years! I hope it was a good memory unearthed!

And thanks!


iamdodgepodge t1_j2f460k wrote

You mean you didnt have to pay for any of the food and drinks?


chuckdooley t1_j2f4iqn wrote

I think it was just cookies and water, still a nice gesture


Noetipanda t1_j2f84wq wrote

Where in Kansas? Always happy to see another Kansan


chuckdooley t1_j2f8ua3 wrote

Grew up in Emporia and now in the Kansas City area, you?


Noetipanda t1_j2f99re wrote

Yooo! Grew up in Erie (SEK) and recently graduated college in Wichita where I live. Gf lived in Topeka so I frequented emporia.


chuckdooley t1_j2f9uhj wrote

Erie sounds familiar, but I’m not placing it….I’m guessing Empo is “big” compared?

I drove through Topeka to Manhattan yesterday for work!

Small world….ever eat at Merchant Street BBQ in Empo?


Noetipanda t1_j2fa37t wrote

Erie is a middle-of-nowhere town in Southeast KS. Easy to miss. Emporia is right between Topeka and Wichita, so it was a good halfway for us.

I haven’t eaten at Merchant Street but I’m always down for BBQ places! Thanks for the rec


chuckdooley t1_j2fbavz wrote

Nice! I have had clients in Wichita some and my brother worked there for awhile, I enjoy old town, or I used to!

Yeah, I can’t remember if it’s called Merchant Street BBQ or Bobby D’s, but it’s the best bbq in town, IMO….and their cheesy potatoes are great

It’s right by the 5th and 6th grade buildings and the post office