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t1_jb8mwpo wrote

the underbelly of a cloud: Mammatus


t1_jb8mxpq wrote

Mammatus cloud

>Mammatus (also called mamma or mammatocumulus, meaning "mammary cloud") is a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud, typically a cumulonimbus raincloud, although they may be attached to other classes of parent clouds. The name mammatus is derived from the Latin mamma (meaning "udder" or "breast"). According to the WMO International Cloud Atlas, mamma is a cloud supplementary feature rather than a genus, species or variety of cloud. The distinct "lumpy" undersides are formed by cold air sinking down to form the pockets contrary to the puffs of clouds rising through the convection of warm air.

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OP t1_jb81aby wrote

I’ve never seen these clouds in real life before!


t1_jb8hyon wrote

I think those are called mammatus clouds. Pretty crazy looking.


t1_jbb7rso wrote

That is wicked. Makes me think of the underside of giant Phoenix. Way cool. Thanks for posting.


t1_jbafqx3 wrote

They're coming for us. There's nowhere to hide.