Submitted by t3_124wxey in Washington

Hello everyone, I hope this post finds you all well! I am currently writing a modern western and the setting is in Eastern Washington. The story may go to other western states. I want to put lots of detail into the setting and get as much input as I can. I am a Washington resident on the west side but I would love some east side perspective as well.

I made this survey that should only take 5 to 10 minutes. It asks a variety of questions about the region and I would really appreciate your thoughts. Any writing advice is greatly appreciated and it would mean a lot. Here is a link to the survey. Thank you for your time.



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t1_jec3xvv wrote

I filled out your survey, but I'll repeat it here: contact NCW Libraries in Wenatchee - they have a giant Pacific Northwest collection and you may be able to interlibrary loan some of it.


OP t1_jecmgjq wrote

Thank you so much for filling it out!! I haven't read your response yet but will look into that library. Thank you so much for telling me that!


t1_jecn1hq wrote

I used to work there, so I shelved many a book in that special collection section. There's a lot. If you really wanted to get deep in the weeds, you could almost come spend a day or so looking through everything...but you can probably just request some things. Some they can't interlibrary loan, but quite a bit can.


t1_je2db7s wrote

There is a place in the Wenatchee valley called “The jump off ridge.” It’s just a huge wall of basalt pillars. Pretty cool.

What part of eastern Washington? The Columbia basin? North East Washington (Spokane, Colville, Davenport)? Or south east WA (Palouse)


OP t1_je2dsbs wrote

I’ve always loved the east side and I want to give it the love it deserves. The story starts out in the Palouse but I might take it to some other areas. Also considering Idaho and east Oregon but that’s unlikely. I’ve been driving to Spokane for over 10 years, I have family over their and make the drive twice a year. Also, it’s where I do my hunting. The reason why I did the survey is so I could resident’s perspectives that I may not be able to have or get.


t1_je2f3ka wrote

There are lots of cool little towns out there. I will fill out your survey.


OP t1_je2f5w0 wrote

Thank you so much man! Really appreciate it!!


t1_je2fwqu wrote

My pleasure. I’d be interested to read your story when it’s finished.


OP t1_je2h92i wrote

Before I publish the book, I’ll do a focus group and give out drafts to certain people and have them give their thoughts. I’ll keep you in mind for sures! If you can, I would really appreciate it if you could share the survey so I can maximize responses.


t1_je3mufm wrote

Just responded to the survey. But I will add, make sure to do a little basic research. J.A. Jance, a writer from the west side, wrote a mystery that involved Kittitas County. My favorite line from the book is when the Seattle detective asked the Kittitas County Medical examiner what her parents thought about her choice of career, and she responds with something like them wishing she didn't spend her life thinking dealing with murderers. At the time the book is set, the county population was so low we didn't even have a coroner (we hit 40,000 in the 2010 census and had to get one after that), and we don't even have a single murder in many years.


OP t1_je3mz36 wrote

Thank you so much for responding! Will definitely do more research


t1_je8y286 wrote

Author Susan La Riviere has written several (fiction) books based on Yakima.

The Lords of Moxee (a Romeo & Juliet replacing Montegues and Capulets with French farmers and Mexican Laborers)

Wolf Castle (fictionalizes Congdon Castle)

Ghost of the Capitol Theatre

And the non fiction St. Joseph's on Fire

Historical non-fiction could be Little War of Destiny which covers the Yakama/Walla Walla Indian war, Unsettled Ground: The Whitman Massacre and it's Shifting Legacy in the American West, Murde and Mayhem in Central Washington, Hidden History of Yakima.

Visiting local museums can also help. Prior to WWII agricultural areas were home to a lot of Japanese, Phillipino, and other Asian immigrants and Americans. After the WWII internment, most of them never returned.

There are a lot of long-rooted families in the area, particularly in the farmlands.

I'm kind of double-rooted. Through French-Canadian immigrant roots (my great-uncles were dentists in town, and my grandfather ran a grocery store - the building was a barbershop for decades and is now I think residential), his cousin also ran a grocery store until about 20 years ago. On my mother's side I am Yakama Native and a descendent of two generations of Chemawa children. My great-great grandfather was charged with assault and attempted murder for fighting the BIA agents when they came to take his kids. Actually coming down to the last of the line on the paternal side, as all my dad's siblings moved away and all my siblings moved away.

Aaaaaanyway. Short info and resources for you.


OP t1_je9sc8l wrote

Man that is ton of info!!! Sometime soon, I would love to chat more with you. Because of all the responses, I'm getting and ideas I'm having I might have to make a series of westerns based solely in eastern WA, Eastern Oregon, and MAYBE Idaho. So many ideas from you!!


t1_je3ka89 wrote

There a book called the sage wind blows cold and it’s a murder mystery based out of Wenatchee area I believe. Has two more books to the trilogy but I haven’t read them yet