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t1_jd2lxda wrote

Well, That's Entertainment sells the stuff, so you should ask someone there, they'd probably know.


t1_jd371lv wrote

They have 40k night pretty often at Great Stories in Northbridge. They have a Facebook and Discord that are pretty active with people who are willing to teach newbies. I'm in the Blood Bowl league there and it's a great community if you're willing to make the 25-minute drive.


t1_jd2vkug wrote

That's E would certainly help you get the stuff and maybe find a place to play. No idea if they run games there. Not sure if they have a space for it in the side room where they host MTG.

Another option, admittedly a little out of the way, is Wonderland Comics in Putnam CT which used to run beginner Warhammer nights. I do not know if they still do, I don't have Facebook and that was where they did most of their advertising, so you may have to check there or call.


OP t1_jd3u0bt wrote

I used to live in pomfret literally close enough to the border of Putnam that sometimes I’d walk there lol


t1_jd3u6h0 wrote

Lol went to private school out there when I was a kid. But I'm from right on the CT border. Honestly before I moved into the city Wonderland was where I got most of my comics.


t1_jd3xh4f wrote

Redemption Rock Brewing does a monthly tabletop game night in the taproom, if you follow their Instagram they post when it's happening.


t1_jd4aepm wrote

Hello! As someone has already mentioned, the Redemption Convention at Redemption Rock Brewery meets every month to host board games, card games, TTRPGs, miniatures, and more. While we have not had a Warhammer 40k group start yet I know there has been some interest in our discord server.

Please consider joining and hopefully you can find some like minded individuals who are also interested and create a group to start playing!


t1_jd318pp wrote

There used to be a BIG crowd here obsessed with the 40k table top miniatures. They would make them all by hand along with the whole environment tables. Lot of them moved Midwest when the crisis began and my friend who was a master model maker went back to the Philippines unfortunately.

I wonder if they still have enough people that gather for events at That's-E and suit up in power armor for conventions, I wish I could post the pictures here.


t1_jd3npub wrote

Use make up brushes from the dollar store if you're going to be hand painting your models.