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KadenKraw t1_ix8ffs7 wrote

Yes works great been using it for a few years now. I can give you a referral code if you decide to go with them just shoot me a PM


GoblinBags t1_ix8i6ty wrote

What about if you get out of the city and head towards the boonies? Like that area between Springfield and Worcester can be shoddy with all networks but I'd love to hear from you on it.


KadenKraw t1_ix8io7i wrote

Haven't been there in years so don't know. I know I generally get better service and 5g then verizon users.

Keep in mind mint mobile uses t-mobiles network. So anywhere they cover you will get service


JoshSidekick t1_ix9o7vy wrote

I have t-mobile. Taking backroads up from Worcester to Deerfield I lost coverage for maybe 15 or so minutes on 122 in the middle of nowhere.


CoolAbdul t1_ix9e99d wrote

> Like that area between Springfield and Worcester

Ah. The Hills Have Eyes territory.