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apex_pretador t1_j9ibyj0 wrote

"So what are we going to do? Bomb the building and take him out when he least expects it?" Killer Croc asks.

"Nnnnno, it won't be fun. I want to play with him, ahahaha"

"I agree with joker, we will capture Kent with a series of elaborate traps, lead him by dropping clues and make him think he's solving a mystery so that he ...."

"Shit up Riddler, how many times have you failed trying this? The best thing to do is sneak in our mercenaries and attack them all so that we get a chance to have the drop on him. Although i still don't think Kent is batman. " Bane interrupts him, slamming his palms into the table hard enough to create a small crack.

"Kent lives in metropolis yet he is covering Gotham all the time and publishes articles that nobody else but us or Batman can know about. He's also friends with both of those wealthy chaps Lex Luthor and bruce Wayne who are obviously the source of his funds. He also has the same height and build as Batman" Riddler explains.

"I have created new freeze grenades which will make the environment around and inside the daily planet extremely cold. We will wear special heat suits firefly created. So let's just discuss the plan. Bane, please tell us a plan"

"clayface will pose as his editor in chief Perry white, and give us the info. We will know the exact time on when to attack, and as soon as he gives us the signal, Kite Man will drop 3 freeze grenades on different sides of the building. "

"Hell yeah" kite man screams in excitement.

Bane continued "rest of us will be waiting in an amusement park the penguin owns nearby, and a few minutes later we will activate the scarecrow plan with dr crane taking the guards out using his fear gas. Ivy will give any remaining security a kiss. Clayface will call Lois lane into his office and will reveal himself taking her hostage when we reach the 13th floor. Already weakened by the cold they won't hold up and without his suit Batman wouldn't be able to face me.

I, joker and croc will capture him and we will take him to our base, while deadshot keeps an eye on him from far away".



A couple hundred miles away, a humble reporter hears someone mentioning his name, so he focuses his super senses to listen. He could easily stop them in his red and blue suit, drop them to prison or Arkham but he needs to both protect his secret identity and deter the Gotham villains. So that's a job for Clark Kent not Superman.

0.4 seconds later after considering every possibility he decides to approach his usual enemy and occasionally uneasy ally.

"Mr Luthor, this is Clark Kent, daily planet"

"I know you Kent, you've made quite a name and have some nerve writing against lexcorp while working for me. "

"Hehe Mr Luthor, gotta write the truth, even if it's hard and bitter"

"It's alright. I like you for taking the stand, like i do, and call me Lex. So what brings you to call me at this hour of the night?"

"Uh, lex, how do I say it - This concerns the daily planet and its safety. My informant from Gotham just passed me a message that a group of metahumans are planning an attack on the daily planet, and that group includes joker and Bane".

"What? Any amount of security would be useless against those nutjobs. You did the right thing coming to me Clark. Do you know when they're attacking or why?"

"Unconfirmed but seems they think Batman may be working there as a secret undercover identity. Lois and I called Superman's name but he didn't respond so I called you"

"Hahahaha those damn lunatics. Batman working at the daily planet. And forget about the alien Clark, we don't need him for every single thing. Lex Luthor can handle this himself. Let the Gotham lunatics come, they will regret their lunacy and will never even think about messing with metropolis again."

"Please don't do something that makes me regret reaching out to you Lex. Good night!"

"Good night Kent, and say the same to Lois from me too. And don't worry they will all leave from here alive and in one piece."


AzfarHadi92 t1_j9inmvp wrote

You have to continue this if possible! I'm very interested to see how it plays out. Subverted my expectations with Luthor. It's great!


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TheGalator t1_j9f775h wrote

The joker is one dude that probably is still prepared for what's comming


SomeRandomGamerGuy t1_j9hbdbd wrote

Meanwhile, Lex Luthor over here has convinced himself that Bruce Wayne is Superman.


Bwm89 t1_j9hld2w wrote

Aren't they canonically so similar looking that they get mistaken for each other? I feel like this is weirdly plausible.


Cindexxx t1_j9fpyhz wrote

So, did you mix up batman and superman on purpose?


Houki01 t1_j9fr39u wrote

No, that is the joke, that the Riddler has riddled the completely wrong answer.