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MaintenanceBack2Work t1_ismk9sn wrote

The call echoed through the valley, nearly deafening me. I quickly snuffed the flames from my small fire and hid under a tree, I have no interest in being eaten by a dragon.


LMBYMG OP t1_ismr9x5 wrote

To say the camp shook at the roar would be to downplay its magnitude. The entire forest shook from the thundering call of a dragon, the most grizzled among us being the first to duck into holes and bushes. It was a useless action: if a dragon were really looking for us, no castle, any hundreds of miles of soldiers wouldn't stop it, let alone a mere hole in the ground, a pitiful shadow under a plant. But still we all scrambled for safety in any form we could get it, desperate to cling onto anything, even if it was just dust in the wind.

And soon after we felt the rushing, booming waves of air left by its wings as it rocketed overhead, branches breaking and shrubs uprooting from the sheer force of its wingbeats. There were those insane enough to study these primeval creatures, that might be able to tell us what kind it was simply by hearing it, but any of those psychos wouldn't have lasted two days into our months long trek.

Only when we were absolutely sure it had passed, waiting for even the leaves rustling in the wind to still, did even one of us stand up, slowly signaling the rest of the camp that it was okay to resume. The camp, of course, was gone. You couldn't even tell it existed in the first place - our tarps and tents and fire likely weren't even in the forest anymore. That's why everything we wanted to keep, we kept bolted down, hastily picking up everything we could before continuing.

It wasn't much further now. We'd gone from the edge of the world, caked in ruin and choked by dust, for this one journey. Just a few more days. Just a leap away from safety.


dobbiesgotasock t1_ismkwcx wrote

You are a mage that accidentally turned yourself into a dragon to protect your library from a ravaging horde.


dewa1195 t1_ismr3lm wrote

Hell hath no fury like an elf scorned


LMBYMG OP t1_ismti4t wrote

Every race has its own habits for exacting revenge. Humans tend to do it quickly, messily, violently - and oftentimes they lose themselves in the aftermath. Theirs is a passionate rage, big and bright and all-consuming, but short in the grand scheme of things.

Dwarves don't really take revenge at all. They just hold grudges like poison in their bodies, use it to immunize themselves and driving them further still in their passions. It takes a lot for a dwarf's rage to boil over, and even when it does, it's by comparison rather plain. They're blunt about it, at least.

Dragonborns are easy to incite to anger most of the time, and while their anger flares easily, it dies just as soon - after razing a building or two or even just a good old-fashioned brawl all is forgiven. Water under the bridge, so long as you don't repeat your mistake.

But elves? Elves are insidious. You wouldn't know if you pissed one off unless you were very clearly trying to do so, and even then they won't let you know it gets to them. But from that moment on, you've made a terrible, terrible enemy. Elves live a long time, and are willing to invest boundless time and energy to their plots. Cities turn to dust, kingdoms crumble because of an elf's thirst for vengeance. You and everyone you've ever known will understand what you've done, but not because the elf told you. You'll agonize over what happens to you, why it might be, until you figure it out yourself. Most people never do - it really is just a blink to an elf, the time it takes to ruin someone's life from birth to death. So for your own sake, carry yourself with respect in front of them.

Bleh, disappointed with the last part. But I'm writing at all, so hey, what can ya do. Happy birfday


LeGoupil7 t1_isn1lg9 wrote

For centuries, the city had a statue of a dragon in a prominent place. However, nobody knew that it was an actual dragon trapped in stone and today, that shell began to crack…


TWICEdeadBOB t1_ismv0yq wrote

A Renaissance fair becomes a thriving bastion of civilization in a zombie apocalypse.


wildwyatt2006 t1_isp5mfi wrote

Don't they go to a Renaissance fair in the new episode of walking dead?


TerrificTooMan t1_ismkv9s wrote

It was another tower, another monster, another princess. Sure the pay was steady and people were happy, but you've always wondered what else a knight could do.


WaffleSelf t1_ismtbj5 wrote

An ogre rescues a princess from a tower to bring her back to her betrothed, but along the way the two fall in love


B3C4U5E_ t1_isn0do7 wrote

You wield claymores. The sword and a whole bunch of explosives. The basilisk never stood a chance.


ShadowAvenger32 t1_isnardv wrote

The party makes their way into the dragons den and find something immediately wrong: there isn't any gold or jewels.

The Dragon on the other hand, is ecstatic that someone has finally come to see their exotic tea collection . . .


V2LenKagamine t1_isnhjrb wrote

A father/mother discovers thier kids "Fantasy adventures" are real, and decide the best thing they can do to protect their kid is join them.


Tomorrow_Is_Today1 t1_ismr0er wrote

Any magic performed directly on the body is likely to have side effects which cannot be accurately predicted and tend to be harmful.


nobodysgeese t1_ismr9y1 wrote

Sometimes, a knight just has to kill a dragon the old-fashioned way.


LMBYMG OP t1_ismudu1 wrote

Over the years we've perfected the art of dragon defense. Hide archwizards up in towers for them to cast bolts of lightning or jagged icicles or monstrous infernos onto the creatures as they fly in towards the kingdom. We mount gigantic ballistas outside the castle gates that shoot bolts the size of buildings as a warning to them. We train platoons of soldiers and teach them magic to defend themselves.

But sometimes they get through anyways, and break kingdoms like loose dirt under their talons.

Sometimes they abduct entire families for ransom, or for their hoard, or simply because they can. Sometimes they like to show us that they could still crush us if they really wanted to.

And sometimes? Sometimes a knight has to kill a dragon the old-fashioned way.

With sword and shield in hand, and little else to protect him in this crumbling castle, he rolls out of the way of yet another falling boulder and charges towards the wounded beast, pinned under a rock of his own, spewing gouts of flame in a feeble attempt to keep the man at bay. A tale as old as time.


It's nice to actually be writing something, even if I'm not happy with it. Thanks for commenting <3


BrassUnicorn87 t1_isnh251 wrote

A dwarf princess and elf prince fall in love, to much controversy.


Firedamaged t1_isnwna9 wrote

The friends we made along the way stabbed me in the back and left me for dead. No more. This time I'm getting my gods damned treasure.


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IndigoTechCLT t1_ismrm4i wrote

Was watching claymore recently and the idea of "dragons on the mainland" caught my attention.


Jealous_Bar17 t1_ismspqe wrote

Far off, you hear the echo of a phoenix’s cry ring out. You know what that sound means. The fae have started a war yet again in this century. It is up to you to ensure the kingdom’s victory.


KevMenc1998 t1_ismuzsy wrote

"You are the Chosen One, fated by prophecy to save the Kingdom from the greatest evil to walk the Earth..." "For fucks sake, not again!"


LMBYMG OP t1_ismvni2 wrote

"Ohhhohohoh, no. No no no no no no no. The FIRST time was a fucking prophecy. NOW you just wanna play it safe cause 'Uhhh well she saved the world that one time so like she'll do it again right'. Well guess what douchebag! I'm thirty-six, I have a limp from getting my leg chewed on by a FUCKING DRAGON! I have nightmares about all the people I killed, I'm pretty sure I'm going blind in one eye from some kind of curse a wizard cast on me, and I get suicide cults hurling themselves at my door every like two weeks! I did the whole chosen one thing when I was a fucking teenager, and I am NOT about to fall for that one again! Good day sirs!"



fufucuddlypoops_ t1_ismv63p wrote

The humans lived in relative harmony with the spirits; that is the spirits allowed the humans to live on their land so long as they give a sacrifice once a month


termsofsurrender t1_ismwkke wrote

The western forest had burned for weeks. When the wind changed, the Keep was heavy with the stink of smoke and ash. The afternoon sun turned the western sky blood red. The fire was approaching.


videogamsarethebest t1_ismzfjj wrote

"You're the one who got the sword out of the stone, you are the chosen one!"

"I just used a pickaxe to mine it out what do you mean?"


Danielwols t1_isn33u9 wrote

Fluffy bunny bouncing bal


aakuwari t1_isn3eo9 wrote

In your battle against the demon lord, your party won and threw him into the dark gate. To your surprise, you were thrown too.


Ryzuhtal t1_isn67ik wrote

Cheerful, flirty/slightly horny, and energetic tiefling priest/priestess and serious, slightly depressed but responsible aasimar paladin go on a quest.


BitOBear t1_isn8ybo wrote

The pricetag said "$3 + other considerations after delivery", I scrounged my pockets for the three dollars, there was no other option.


5711735 t1_isncyi9 wrote

The knights of the kingdom surrounded me, they thought they could win, foolish, little did they know…


LMBYMG OP t1_isnjxq8 wrote

Numbers can help a lot of things. Numbers built castles and kingdoms, brought prosperity to small towns and dictated markets all over the world. Numbers wage war and build garrisons and stock them with soldiers like sardines and lemmings, willing to throw themselves away in the blink of an eye for their kings and queens and wives and kids. Numbers dictate the fabric of the universe, and grant knowledge and magic and rot and break all living things into dust, and dust into nothing at all. Numbers are truly some of the most powerful things in this world and beyond it.

But numbers can't solve everything.

As fire crackles in her hands and lightning shoots from her fingertips, the soldiers around her, crowding her like children with their sticks and stones falter for just a moment.

And a moment was all she needed.


TheCaptNoname t1_isng1j1 wrote

A powerful necromancer resurrects dead townsfolk charging them a monthly "Undeath Prolongation Subscription" fee. However, when the authorities decided to crack down on this obvious extortion scheme, the undead "clients" tried to stop them.


AdventurerOfTheStars t1_isngp6n wrote

An adventurer retires, after having defeated the dangerous blue dragon Zapton. They retired pretty early, so they're stil realitively young. They married a party member, a high elf warlock. Brought their best friend, a dwarf, with him. However, after having a child together, the adventurer now blacksmith is betrayed by their beloved and best friend, the dwarf dealing the final blow...


CCC_037 t1_isnkgrl wrote

"Look, the problem it you left out the grounding rune on your spell scroll. That's why it didn't work."


1timegig t1_isnkr8n wrote

The summoned hero is lonely, desperate to find someone who cares about them as a person. This causes issues when the first person to comfort them when they're upset is the demon lord, who the hero already thought was hot.


ray10k t1_isnlkn1 wrote

The Chosen One got a hammer. They promptly decide to become a blacksmith.


Taira_Mai t1_isnn8ok wrote

The king was frustrated, his knights were bested in every battle. At one meeting of this privy council he was berated them for their failures when the staff yelled about finding a mimic in the castle. The king yelled "You are all failures, why I could teach that mimic to be better knight that the lot of you!" Thus began the tale of "The Mimic Knight".


FelicitousJuliet t1_isnnrn8 wrote


"Beg", the word shook even as the world broke; a strength had shattered every hero to ash, and now there was only damnation to seek salvation from. Evil would break the ruination of the world, or all would perish as morality refused the bargain.


tupe12 t1_isnohsl wrote

You brought a gun to a magic fight


Kaladef9 t1_isnovvi wrote

When you were told that you'd meet the Dwarven informant in the back rooms after giving the password to the barkeep, this... wasn't what you had in mind.


Betacucksoyboi t1_isnr0ry wrote

Your a butt cheek and the brain won't stop sitting on uncomfortable surfaces. You team up with another butt cheek to take the brain hostage.


BalrogTheBuff t1_isnrw2i wrote

"I never thought I'd die fighting alongside an elf"

Elf: "How about fighting alongside a friend?"

"What? Friend? You're right! I can't let you die here!"


Zodiac36Gold t1_isnsols wrote

A man walks into an abandoned house, until suddenly it no longer is abandoned as people start walking around him. It is only after a few minutes that he notices the people are, in fact, him. Memories of his past given life.


ZeroOne010101 t1_isnzqyj wrote

An Eldritch entity trying to live among [race]


PDlordXeras t1_iso56tb wrote

The horde of goblins has successfully been led into the clearing and as the only mage participating in the extermination the responsibility to stop their momentum and create an advantagious situation for the humas solders has been placed onto you. You just hope your patron doesn't choose this time to alleviate their boredom by augmenting your spells.


Poryadok t1_isoa93z wrote

The boy was hit by a truck, died and reincarnated as a medieval knight w/o magic in a magic world. This is the story of making a gun powder revolution to fight mages.


Fluid-Statistician80 t1_isoisvg wrote

"you know what they say about Elves" the old man said knowingly. The sharp tips of my ears, hidden beneath my hood, pricked up. "No, what do they say?"


Soul_M t1_isone36 wrote

a genius from the modern world got isekai-d into a generic medieval fantasy world


whatsupbub44 t1_isoyi05 wrote

As the astronauts landed on the beautiful planet, they had no idea how ancient, nor how infested with magic this world was.


pitham3492 t1_isoyx0d wrote

“They’ve poisoned me fields, it’s them damned orcs.”


LilSchizy t1_isp4c2w wrote

You are part of an army of cyborgs created by a human attempting to take over the world, when suddenly, secret weapons world leaders posses make the mission a lot harder.


Tigerstorm6 t1_ispls1x wrote

How bout a dwarf trying to explain to elves what a shotgun is


AichSmize t1_ispux6f wrote

"And that's why", concluded the Sorcerer Supreme to his wizardly students, "you always need to have a sharp sword handy."


EmeraldLevinbolt t1_isq01oq wrote

After 17 days and nights, the snow had not yet stopped. The wizard had kept his promise. Now, to get him to break it.


S1eepyZ t1_isq9579 wrote

You hear a giant roar, which shook the ground below your feet. A giant head pops out of the hill right next to you.


Angy_covid t1_issavl5 wrote

The goblin shaman is more powerful than he had ever imagined