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The_Mythical_Bard t1_iybjojy wrote

It wasn't possible. It couldn't be.

As Blaire closed the book, A lost soul, placed it open on her lap and leaned back in the arm chair with a look of utter surprise on her face. She just wanted to support him. That was all. Damien's book had just hit the shelves. She only planned to buy the book...yet here she sat hours later, with the book finished, completely and utterly baffled at how wrong she was.

Years ago he had started writing a book. One about a typical romance and bits of fighting. Back then. when she read a small excerpt, she merely gave him a placating response. In truth, she found the premise and portion she read to be nothing more than drivel. The plot void of any intrigue and the main character dry. She could not have been more wrong.

His book had started off slow, but after the first chapter, Blaire found herself enraptured with the main character, Wittmore, who at first was a boring everyday man, was in fact a half demon investigating a cultish group that intentions were to disrupt the order of the world using dark magic. Wittmore lived by day as a doctor, by night as a hunter and balanced his day life with the night, with both coming to odds at some points and that was only the tip of things. Every chapter after the first had been twist after twist and filled with betrayals, unlikely allies and steamy romance all building up to the finale.

But the last line of the book was even more unexpected than her enjoyment of it. Blaire's lips curved in amusement as her fingers delicately traced over the last lines of the riveting novel.

To be continued.....

"What are you doing?" A voice said from behind her.

Startled, Blaire turned abruptly, nearly knocking the book from her lap. "Damien, you're home." She said lowly, pushing a stray hair behind her ear.

"'s 9pm, I normally get home this time after work." He said plainly as he took off his jacket and tossed it onto the back of the chair, and walked around to sit across from her. It was then that he noticed the book, his book. He stiffened. "Oh." His eyes dropped down. "So...." He started as sheepishly raised his gaze back to hers.

"Damien, I....well..." She started. How did she even begin to explain. She didn't want to hurt him but didn't want to lie either. "It's much better than I thought."

Damien visibly relaxed. "Oh thank goodness...wait." His head tilted to the side in confusion. "Than you thought? But you said it was good before and just need polishing."

"Well yes, I did say that." Blaire admitted plainly. "To be fair this was much different than what you showed me then. Wittmore is incredible and so captivating. And the plot really reels you in. I can't believe you left it on a cliffhanger. I mean sure one big part of the plot was resolved but what about the link he found to being kidnapped as a child, what did that mean? Where is it going to lead."

"Wait you finished it?" His book, The Enima Wittmore, had only released today.

"Y-Yeah, she replied sheepishly. "'t put it down."

He couldn't help but smile at how animated she was about it. She was so adorable. While it did sting a bit learning she had only been nice about it, her pure interest now made it not feel less so. "I'm glad, but you know you could have just told me. Criticism is important in writing."

She nodded. "I won't next time."

"You just want to know what's gonna happen next."

"Well that's true too."

Damien shifted stood back to his feet and walked over to stand before her.

"Wittmore's captivating, huh?" He teased as he braced his hands on the arms of the chair. "How so? Not more than me I hope."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Of course not." She answered incredulously. "Seriously? he's your character."

He chuckled. "All the more reason why I'm curious."

A sudden realization hit her. The corners of her lips twitched upward. "You're not gonna tell me anything are you?"

"Not even a hint." He whispered before his lips claimed hers.


The_Mythical_Bard t1_iycm1ut wrote

realized I must have hit send when I feel asleep at my computer. now it's actually finished.


missbrighteyes86 t1_iydy7n1 wrote

Just reading yours! I feel like our characters overlap in the clever sweet significant other taking our enthusiasm in stride and we're their fangirls. I love it!