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t1_j6ejkld wrote

Is that eye lazy or does it just refuse to work ?


t1_j6eevu0 wrote

"Chonk" Opossum is a very, very bad thing. Possums have very specific dietary needs. They only get that fat if you feed them dog food or leftovers from your plate. That poor thing is going to get rickets if it doesn't already have it.


t1_j6gvr4n wrote

It's always weird seeing American possums. They look evil but they are part of a healthy ecosystem.

Our possums look like cute fluffy little sofas, but they are destructive pests.


t1_j6e9oq7 wrote

Since when did they change it to opossum? When I was comin' up it was just possum. Opossum makes it sound like he's irish or something.


t1_j6eapj9 wrote

It's either. Possum is just shortened from Opossum in North America. That's the layman explanation. Technically, Opossums are the NA variety while Possums are found in Australia and New Zealand.


OP t1_j6eajrq wrote

If you google it, the correct name is Opossum, we had to change it due to high demands from the Irish people


t1_j6ea8xy wrote

They are great! Just a little “dirty” when in the wild bit yes they are adorable


t1_j6en9hj wrote

I cant tell if its fake or real ither way i want it


t1_j6fqsrl wrote

I love these silly trash cats. The sad reality is that their lifespan is usually right around 2 years. This one is a rehab animal and is probably older than that, and when they get past 2-3, they start to look really goofy. My family had one as a pet that our very maternal dog brought home one morning. Once he was mature, he’d kind of come and go. He ate from the cat’s food and would wander and eat bugs and do opossum things. He stopped coming home right around that 2 year mark. I wish I could find another baby trash cat!


t1_j6eguw0 wrote

Cotton-eyed joe where'd ya come from, where ya looking?


t1_j6heqr4 wrote

They are a really cool animal actually. They eat ticks and don’t carry rabies 😊 plus they are pretty adorable💙


t1_j6ejt1o wrote

How are they as a pet? I’ve encountered many in the wild just being pissy and hissing but harmless for a wild animal.


t1_j6ey03p wrote

I doubt they make good pets, but a museum by me had a rescued Possum that could not be released. He would wander the halls looking for scratches from patrons.


t1_j6fp3j7 wrote



t1_j6gvd3n wrote

He's doing Andrew Santino's impression of Bobby Lee's mudda.