Submitted by LunarHare82 t3_11hfnr7 in baltimore

I was just thinking how I need to get resin supplies to cast some replacement oddly-shaped glass shelves. But I don't work with resin. I work with a lot of other things, but not that. So I thought, wouldn't it be cool to have a trade economy going? Where I could make something for someone in exchange for them casting those shelves for me? And of course that thought grew to wondering if this would work for others, and for non-crafty things too; skills/knowledge of other kinds.

Anyways, this is my warm, fuzzy Friday thought, and if anyone is comfortable working with resin, let me know.



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Willbillis t1_jat6fj5 wrote

I like this. I’d certainly be interested in participating and helping cultivate such a network. My contribution would be 25+ years of experience as a professional woodworker. I have a nice shop that I’ve been using to help teach others how to make their projects, and I’m always looking for ways to expand that model. Side note: I have no interest in becoming an Open Works or Station North Tool Library. I like making stuff, and I REALLY like empowering others to do the same- under close supervision.


LunarHare82 OP t1_jawi318 wrote

Wood working is something I really want to learn!


Longey13 t1_jatbndp wrote

ThAt'S sOcIalIsm

Sounds good to me.


ladyliferules t1_jatghb4 wrote

There’s a Baltimore Time Bank, not sure how active but:


LunarHare82 OP t1_jawi6jp wrote

This is pretty cool! Had no idea it existed.


ladyliferules t1_jawkm8s wrote

I know, so much potential! I wanted my neighborhood association to be involved. But it was hard to get momentum going.


Animanialmanac t1_jat5k3m wrote

Neat idea! I’m part of a skills exchange in my CSA. I’m a physical therapist and yoga instructor. I used my skills credit hours to pay for CSA share and I traded yoga lessons for ASL lessons. I don’t know anything about resin, I’m interested in learning and sharing my skills.


LunarHare82 OP t1_jawiahy wrote

I really want to learn ASL; I love that you used your yoga skills for that!


moderndukes t1_jau0e9j wrote

Basically like a “Pay Nothing” group but for skills? I’d be interested (although I honestly sometimes I’m not sure what to list as my skills because I’m not like a champion woodworker or anything).


LunarHare82 OP t1_jawpi1b wrote

Skills can be anything: organizing, gardening, knowing how to polish fingernails, speaking another language, etc... My point is we are all good at something!


ekatsss t1_jaw1zw6 wrote

Very cool! I can do some visible (or maybe invisible) mending! Also, for crafts I’ve gotta plus scrap bmore. It’s like a thrift store that’s only craft supplies.


LunarHare82 OP t1_jawhr2e wrote

My skills are generally on the crafty side: I paint, draw, do some printmaking and bookmaking, I am an internediate-level wire-wrapper (jewelry), I can do basic sewing, I have a Cricut, etc...

I also have a background in education. Have my MA in teaching and was formerly certified in K-12 art (different state). I worked with afterschool programs for K-5 as well. I also side-hustled at couple paint-and-sips.

Lastly, I'm a really good editor. I write and work with other writers as a hobby, and I'm very good with writing skills.


Punkinpry427 t1_javm2ac wrote

I macrame if anyone wants to trade! Some pics of my profile if interested. I can do custom colors too!


Frofro69 t1_jawahkt wrote

I guess my skill would either be miniature painting or bowling 🤣🤣


LunarHare82 OP t1_jawhyrp wrote

Look, the last time I bowled I hit maybe 15 pins total, which was a personal worst. That's a skill I'd be happy to learn!


Wayrin t1_jaxeotz wrote

I can teach people how to ID and forage mushrooms and flint knapping. I like doing these things myself and I like company so no exchange necessary. I'm trying to live the car free life so a lift to the woods and some company while foraging works for me. For the flint knapping I would just ask that you buy and bring your own knappable rock.