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rpd9803 t1_jclcn7k wrote

Oh who tf cares on what the right might use to motivate their base when they’re gonna make up something to motivate their base no matter what happens? And that something doesn’t even have to be true to motivate their base.

The percentage of people this will singularly motivate is not enough to swing any election, but inflation and squeegee boys might.


Alaira314 t1_jcli6ev wrote

But what concrete thing does this action accomplish?


rpd9803 t1_jcm2jlx wrote

Well, right now its concretely providing materials for pearl clutching and virtue signaling.


Alaira314 t1_jcm5uwq wrote

What concrete thing against racism and oppression did this action of vandalism accomplish?


rpd9803 t1_jcm89at wrote

Made somebody feel good to smash a dumb statue.


Alaira314 t1_jcmbp66 wrote

That's all I could come up with, either. Thank you for finally answering the question instead of dodging it.


rpd9803 t1_jcmbubn wrote

Thank you for wasting a bunch of time with poor executive function