Submitted by official_STEMbo t3_126xpst in baltimore

I have a friend coming into town tomorrow & was thinking about going to check out the blossoms, but I know their peak period passed earlier this week. Does anyone know how they’re looking now? I haven’t visited before so I’m not familiar with how fast they fall. Thanks! :)



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SnooHedgehogs6553 t1_jebhvb8 wrote

I went on Saturday and they weren’t at peak so I’m guessing this weekend should be pretty good. Check out both groves as the far one wasn’t even close.


PigtownDesign t1_jebhvl4 wrote

I was there yesterday and they're still in peak bloom. That said, we're expecting very high winds over the next 48 hours, so that may affect how many are left. But it's still a great place to visit. These was also a map on this sub a few days ago of all of the cherry trees in Bmore.


official_STEMbo OP t1_jebk897 wrote

Ahh thank you for the wind advisory! I’ll search up the map, too :)


Bebinn t1_jebsvdf wrote

I don't think they have the trees at the fort on that map because it's a national park.


so_hamburger t1_jec8twg wrote

They are in full bloom today as well (3/30). However, tomorrow has a wind advisory in the latter half of the day, with rains on Saturday. So I'd go see them tomorrow morning itself!

Enjoy! ✨️