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S-Kunst t1_je798uv wrote

Reply to comment by RG_Viza in New foxtrot is now in the air by Douseigh

I accept that can be the case when they are moving slowly and during the day. When it is at night and they take only a couple minutes to do a round trip, No they cannot see anything on the ground.

I also add that nearly every week day (4:30-5pm) I sit in my tiny back yard, and at least one, generally more copters fly east to west or west to east. Taking about 20 seconds each time. From what I can see from the ground, they are not News Helicopters.


DeliMcPickles t1_je7boli wrote

They have a light you know. Also they have FLIR. Do you think they just fly around in the dark with no idea where they are?