Submitted by t3_zxvjtd in baltimore

is anyone interested in attending the Ravens game this Sunday night, 1/1? I would love to go, but none of my irl friends are remotely interested in sports, and i don’t think i have the courage to go alone lol. please DM me if so 💜



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t1_j22lgvd wrote

I’m working and can’t go, but also 100% go by yourself - it won’t be weird at all.


t1_j24cna1 wrote

Yeah I been to different sport games alone and it's fine. Even if you're sitting next to away fans, most of them are pretty cool.


t1_j22tbs4 wrote

You will be with thousands of other Ravens fans, it won’t be weird.

Heck, I flew down to Tampa to see Brady vs Ravens for the last time and there were enough Ravens fans around me to make it a ton of fun.


t1_j24ozv5 wrote

I’m going with a group of us. Fair warning, we’re Steelers fans 💛🖤