Submitted by t3_y9fv78 in books

I just finished reading Echoes of Honor by David Weber for the 4th time. I keep going back to it bc the struggle and the win at the end is so inspiring. She's the leader I want to be. Compassionate and true to her values. And takes responsibility for her people and when action is required, as she'd say "let's be about it". When she overcomes, I feel like it's a win for me, too.

What book makes you go back again so you get to feel like you're winning?



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t1_it5ebg2 wrote

I think I've read the entire Honor Harrington series about 5 times now. It's the only series that's remained downloaded on my ancient kindle since forever.


t1_it5fhms wrote

I still have the PDF's that came with the HC of War of Honor on CD-ROM for the first 10 books; all time classic stuff.


OP t1_it5g70z wrote

That's amazing! We have the Saiganomi Tactical Trainer Board game. Tried to play it once and the 3D projections broke my brain.


t1_it7j39r wrote

Alice in Wonderland.

My girl gets dropped into a world with rules she doesn't understand, is surrounded by crazy people and just rolls with it. Helps the ones who need it and breaks off a piece of her mind for the ones who need that. And end the end she says "Man F-this. I'm out."



t1_it841xx wrote

This is by far one of my favorite series EVER! Love reading these from start to finish. She is such a stellar character.

Honestly, if you haven’t read Empire of Man, by Weber and Ringo… stop everything and read these. 4 books, incredible.


OP t1_it8d6jn wrote

Oooh! I will!


t1_it8iay4 wrote

I’m telling you!!! They are my Dad’s favorites for a reason. Honestly… I believe I’ve read them through at least 7-8 times.


t1_ite8ot6 wrote

My first HH book was War of Honor. I didn't realize it was book 10? of a series. This was one of the Baen books that had a CD bound into the back of the book. Imagine my joy and surprise to find all of the prior books in the series in multiple ebook formats. Not to mention books from other Baen authors, most of whose books and series I've read multiple times. The CD worked as intended, I became a lifelong reader of most of these authors.

But my absolute favorite is The Scarlet Pimpernel. I loved the mystery and adventure when I was younger, then the romance as I got older. The characters feel like old friends I get to visit on a regular basis.


t1_it5ei0g wrote


I tried one and noped out halfway through.

May I suggest Robyn Bennis - The Fire Above and The Guns Above. Military fiction about airships in Napoleonic times.


OP t1_it5eubd wrote

I'll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm actually not into the other military fiction that I've tried, but now I'm not sure what I like.

What didn't you like about the Honor books?


t1_it5f4lm wrote

It was a while back, but I remember disliking the monarchy, and that Honor came off as a Mary Sue with no flaws.


t1_ita3wqv wrote

It might be worth looking at the older naval fiction as that is what Harrington is allegedly modeled after.

Not OP, but I can see the struggle I go back and forth on both HH and safehold. I enjoy them but I cant do them in more than like a 2 book spurt. I don't have a great way to articulate it but the best I have is they feel almost pulpy?


OP t1_itaijqf wrote

I get a bit of a formula after 5 books, but I appreciate the formula bc I know what to expect 😄