Submitted by t3_yhxlgg in books

I recently bought a personalized ex libris stamp for my books. I’m excited to go through and stamp them, but I’m not sure if I should place the stamp on the front cover, title page, back cover, etc.

For those of you who stamp you books, what part of the book do you place the stamp? Do you always stamp the same area, or does it vary depending on the book? I’m probably overthinking this, but I would hate to decide half way through the process that I don’t like my stamp location.



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t1_iugswdy wrote

I don’t have a stamp; I have an embosser. I emboss the dedication page.


t1_iugwyf6 wrote

I'd love to see a picture of that result.


t1_iuhvrfe wrote

I would post it but it has my real name 😝


t1_iuhf6i7 wrote

Not on the front or back covers, for the love of God.


t1_iugab7u wrote

On the front of the flyleaf. Any books with no flyleaf go to the LFL.


t1_iugwuj2 wrote

Show us your stamp then! I got my own bookplate but I want to redraw it to make it suitable for making a stamp. Stamps are a lot more convenient than gluing pieces of paper.


t1_iuh91gn wrote

I put all of my book plates on the back of the front cover the the corner.


t1_iug6xzr wrote

I would stamp inside the book on the inside of the front cover or on the first page.


t1_iuhodra wrote

I usually stamp the inside of the front cover or (if that's not possible) the title page. Either can't be removed without the missing page being clearly noticeable.


t1_iujhgem wrote

I've usually seen the title page stamped or embossed, between the title and publisher info.