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JimDixon t1_j20sf2k wrote

This is my problem with sci-fi in general. I often find that the premise that the story is built on is far more interesting than the story itself-- so much so that I frequently become bored with the story. That's why, I suppose, I very much prefer sci-fi short stories over novels.


mooingfrog t1_j20nfqe wrote

The 3 Body Problem.

The story felt so wooden to me and I couldn’t empathize with the MCs but the concepts and idea were very interesting so slogged through.


tinybutvicious t1_j20n171 wrote

Red Clocks. The book didn’t work for me but I wanted more about the world. It’s probably just a matter of time.


lydiardbell t1_j20tr72 wrote

I enjoyed Embassytown by China Mieville, but I spent most of the second act wishing it was a book about Immer travel instead.

Then again, I guess there's plenty of books about interdimensional travel and not too many that explore the sociopolitical impact of language via aliens that have two voices but can't lie.


SonnyCalzone t1_j20vxhl wrote

I haven't read enough of Pratchett's Discworld books to fully weigh in on this yet, but from what I've already so far in its Rincewind sub-series I do keep wishing that more worldbuilding would occur (more about the Unseen University, and more about the city of Ankh-Morpork for starters.)


RunDNA t1_j20yh69 wrote

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick.

The setting was a fantastic and deeply captivating piece of alternate history: an America that lost WWII and was divided up between Japan and Germany. The actual story though was quite ho-hum and I can barely remember it (I think it had something to do with stealing antiques.)


books-ModTeam t1_j20yjkn wrote

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