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t1_j6720b3 wrote

>I have never read a non-fiction before

You still haven't.


OP t1_j672479 wrote

I see what you did there 😂 this was a serious post though.


t1_j672nak wrote

In my opinion the entire book is utter drivel, I read it decades ago out of curiosity and it's just the ravings of a deluded fool. More over it's so poorly written, as you noticed "babbling and rambling", that it's a real chore to actually read and there's very little of any substance or literary merit to reading outside of an academic context.


OP t1_j673nni wrote

Yes exactly, like i said barring a few parts of a few chapters. So the second part is also the same?

I'm reading it with the help of podcast / audiobook. Hard to concentrate man.


t1_j673udo wrote

Can you save us the time and give us his main points lol....? I tried reading it one time and got bored after a page.


t1_j67487u wrote

Please post 'Should I keep reading' questions, in our Weekly Recommendation Thread.


t1_j6748dy wrote

LOL there is so much non-fiction that is actually good …