3720-To-One t1_j9p07n7 wrote
Rules for thee, not for me!
~ Republican motto
DagothDeez t1_j9oiyyl wrote
The party of fiscal responsibility!
wildbilljones t1_j9otqpl wrote
Couldn'tve happened to a nicer group of assholes
Otherwise-Sky1292 t1_j9qnevc wrote
Ahhhahahaha republicans suck
PuritanSettler1620 t1_j9oiida wrote
Lol, MA republicans are a joke.
3720-To-One t1_j9ojx6f wrote
Lol, MA republicans are a joke.
Bostonstrangler69 t1_j9qdrcj wrote
which is a shame because it allows a more easily corruptible democratic party here. where entrenched loyalty matters more than whats good for voters
MelaniasHand t1_j9s5yrf wrote
... unless regular people get involved and dilute that faction. Which is not at all hard to do.
Bostonstrangler69 t1_j9tyza4 wrote
lol, are you new here?
Maxpowr9 t1_j9oq4rb wrote
If there is one thing the GOP is good at, it's grifting.
spedmunki t1_j9p1oep wrote
They should buy less avocado toast
BikerHikerHorse t1_j9pyks9 wrote
Just skip breakfast.
MelaniasHand t1_j9s5n1t wrote
Definitely no lobster, meat, vegetables, or ice cream. Only suffering for the irresponsible poors!
Efficient_Art_1144 t1_j9oyvl1 wrote
Thoughts and prayers
IslandinTime t1_j9ouxsd wrote
My favorite part is the insinuating ',we have a lot of unpaid bills, but some of the bills paperwork is missing some punctuation so we are not going to pay those, we think. '
boston_shua t1_j9ovxpx wrote
“However, Carnevale said many of the invoices are “unsubstantiated” and appear to “not be the responsibility of the party.” That means some large unpaid obligations — including hundreds of thousands in ads for Geoff Diehl’s unsuccessful gubernatorial campaign — may not ultimately land on the party’s ledger.”
And there are 4 pending lawsuits LOL
bristollersw t1_j9p2xsg wrote
National GOP inherited Dad’s working-order car 20 years ago and have been beating it to shit ever since. Now it’s leaking oil and smoking like a m’fkr, and only moving at all because they’ve got their sketchy friends pushing it from behind. Any input from reputable mechanics results in them being barred from the club for life. Beyond hope.
synthdrunk t1_j9p90je wrote
Southern strategy kicked off a loooot longer than twenty years ago. Certainly beyond hope.
bristollersw t1_j9pd4wi wrote
Was talking more about their ability to function in a rational way in general, agree or disagree with their policies (I fall in the Disagree camp).
wobwobwob42 t1_j9or2ah wrote
"Fiscally conservative"
More GOP lies
Snopes1 t1_j9p8xxy wrote
A state party structure that wholesale endorsed Trump's ponzi scheme, con-man, corrupt attitude ends up behaving the same way. They won't be the last state org with similar results.
Shocked Pikachu face 🙂.
You lay down with the dogs, you get fleas.
CoolAbdul t1_j9pxrai wrote
Forget Trump - these are the assholes who got behind Scott Lively.
TwoKeyLock t1_j9pmwve wrote
Remember when all the GOP ever talked about was fiscal responsibility and personal responsibility? I cannot understand the mindset of a Republican voter. Why can they not see all of the BS?
tbb2796 t1_j9pyexa wrote
it really is fascinating
Otherwise-Sky1292 t1_j9qnoa1 wrote
or depressing
shameonyounancydrew t1_j9p7ht4 wrote
It seems like being a Republican in Mass. is like throwing a lit match into a bucket of water.
MaddyKet t1_j9qhb23 wrote
Pretty much, although they do exist unfortunately. Some of the counties run red, I unfortunately live in one, but day to day you wouldn’t notice and the House rep is always Democrat anyways.
shameonyounancydrew t1_j9qk49c wrote
I live in a red(er) county too. The most 'extreme' folks mostly just have rude/obnoxious signs on their trucks and houses. I think, seeing that the whole state voted blue in the last 2 presidential elections shows that we deeply oppose everything Trump stands for, and if the whole party is going to cater to him, then they have no place here. I believe people like Baker and Romney offered a healthy balance to the state's politics, but people like them don't seems to represent Republicans anymore.
MaddyKet t1_j9qrlkf wrote
Yeah, I agree. I voted for Baker, but once he was done it’s Democrat all the way. I wouldn’t even vote for Baker for Congress because no way I’m sending another Republican to Washington, even if he was a moderate here.
shameonyounancydrew t1_j9r9zbf wrote
Yeah I still couldn’t bring myself to vote R with Baker. Even when he was re-elected, I think I went for the Green candidate (because the D candidate was so unbelievably awful. I’m don’t even remember his name)
f0rtytw0 t1_j9sgr7z wrote
Yeah, I wasn't against Baker, just the crowd he decided to stand with. If he went/goes independent then way less issues casting a vote for him.
He could totally do that in this state, and I am sure he would have more backing in both votes and monetarily than the GOP here. It would also keep the democrats on their toes.
squarerootofapplepie t1_j9s1m8n wrote
Literally none of the counties run red. Not a single one since 1988.
MelaniasHand t1_j9s5cs1 wrote
Don't just look at presidential general election results. Plymouth County is probably the reddest county. It went for Diehl vs Warren. There are some extreme Republicans in our state legislature, and in town government (like the January 6 insurrectionist elected to the Braintree school board. To quote The Wolf, let's not star sucking each other's dicks just yet. There's plenty to fix in MA too.
MaddyKet t1_jacu8et wrote
Yeah there are definitely some smaller areas that run red. Not by a lot, but it happens. Like the town I live in and some surrounding ones in central MA. Probably should have said towns instead of counties?
TheTr7nity t1_j9se1rs wrote
Baker and Walsh were exceptions but yeaaa lol
All_The_Nolloway t1_j9opvtm wrote
I hope that anytime a republican runs that 600k is foisted on them to pay back first. Remember "nothing is free", right republicans?
baseketball t1_j9qlqv1 wrote
Alternative headline: Mass GOP not only morally, also literally bankrupt
CallousBastard t1_j9pp95r wrote
The party of "fiscal conservatism" LOL
therailmaster t1_j9rcdvb wrote
*Breaking News!* Mass. GOP now just as corrupt as... the rest of the country's GOP!
I *almost* feel bad that Baker the Faker was driven out of office by the Center-Right-turned-Hard-Right faction of the GOP that has apparently made its way north of the Mason-Dixon Line and taken over the state's once more principled secondary party. Somebody please remind all the knuckle-draggers in South-Norfolk and North-Essex Counties that they're free at any time to move to Alabama or Mississippi or Kansas or another of those other fine functioning Red State utopias.
TheSpaceman1975 t1_j9pxcv7 wrote
debauchedsloth t1_j9qb92x wrote
They just need to get busy pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and be fiscally responsible citizens.
Just kidding. Those vendors can write down those debts right now; they aren't seeing a penny.
CoolAbdul t1_j9pwzjs wrote
Gee that's too bad. Hey, this snow and ice sure is something, isn't it?
Kered024 t1_j9p1cfx wrote
What a surprise
J50GT t1_j9q9i7o wrote
Something, something, crippling national debt. Inb4 "debt is good!"
[deleted] t1_j9rvnow wrote
MelaniasHand t1_j9s6a83 wrote
Baker funneled money to the RNC, fought women's reproductive rights and trans* rights, sent our resources to Trump's border wall, and did his best to kick kids off healthcare. Democrats are the decent fiscally conservative, socially liberal party.
[deleted] t1_j9s9j8b wrote
MelaniasHand t1_j9serfz wrote
I agree, when there are at least two reasonable parties. That’s not the case right now. I’ll vote for sanity, decency, and human rights over the ideal of “balance” when there is no balance at all.
See: Overton window.
Right now, we have a few left-wing voices in a moderate party (Democrats), and a far-right party with a few center-right voices and a sold segment of total crazies (Republicans). No other party really shows up other than faintly for the office of President and doesn’t have a cohesive platform - and also, ballot access for 3rd parties is very limited.
So there is one party for reasonable policy. Primaries allow us to choose options within the party, and there are definitely options there. Consider Democratic primaries to be the “real” election, and then make turn out the in the general for the Democratic primary winner. For several elections.
Only then will the crazy in the Republican Party shrivel, and maybe segments of both current major parties spin off, if there’s structural support to make them viable, with ranked choice voting, ballot access changes, and other reforms. That scenario can happen if we get involved to make it happen - and sure as shit won’t if we don’t.
Puzzleheaded_Okra_21 t1_j9prirh wrote
Shouldn't it file for bankruptcy?
RealKenny t1_j9qq14q wrote
While I'm enjoying all the jokes, is $600k a lot of money for a political party? I'm sure they have a donor that has the lying around.
f0rtytw0 t1_j9shfba wrote
Well, last report was they had $35k in the coffers. That is well short of the $600k debt that was just reported.
But maybe if they stop buying iphones and get a $1 million loan from their parents they can get by.
MelaniasHand t1_j9s672o wrote
Donors look for investments that will give them a return.
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[deleted] t1_j9p86ns wrote
mrstubali t1_j9ve447 wrote
Anybody have an idea why the MA GOP wants to use the convention of states to change the constitution? It's a thing and could be used to change the requirements of what constitutes a US state.
Neuroticperiscope t1_j9ou91e wrote
$600K in debts = disarray? That doesn’t sound awesome for me…. Is this a lot for an entire party to be in debt? I mean I hope it is just seems like a medium mortgage
Due-Studio-65 t1_j9p1mu7 wrote
Basically they have no idea what they owe and are preemptively saying they pay won't certain debts.
Once you get to that point, the only people that work with you are connected grifters who demand cash up front. Essentially, what Trump's campaign devolved into post election.
Neuroticperiscope t1_j9p3fu1 wrote
The people who get elected are so untrustworthy they have to pay up front. They have worse credit than a coffee shop. Yikes.
Seems impossible to find anything surprising about that at this point and yet somehow I still am
WinsingtonIII t1_j9pjj8l wrote
TBF, they are in disarray whether they are in debt or not.
This is the party that decided to run a Trump supporter for governor in a state that voted against Trump by a 66-32 margin. And they actively disliked a very popular governor from their own party by the end of his term.
baseketball t1_j9qkhfu wrote
This is nothing like a mortgage. Your mortgage is secured by your house. These are all accumulated unpaid bills. $600K is a lot when their net funds are $35K. This means they have to raise over half a million dollars to pay off the debt.
Neuroticperiscope t1_j9qrun3 wrote
I know. It was a funny way to phrase it for the headline
sweatpantswarrior t1_j9pxsc8 wrote
My mortgage is 600k with a term on the loan.
If they outright owe 600k with no payment plan, that's a whole different story.
ApeksBlue t1_j9oqbvw wrote
“If you couldn’t afford to pay back the loan you shouldn’t’ve borrowed it” 🤪