bog_hippie t1_j9n10j0 wrote
Context always matters- I appreciate the effort.
ftmthrow t1_j9kz2qt wrote
In case anyone’s curious - $20k in (January) 1989 is $49,408 today.
RedditorSays t1_j9m3clo wrote
Dang, $49k a year for beating your meat? Not bad
No_Historian718 t1_j9kwdt4 wrote
That assistant library director salary is the same now 😭
CoolAbdul OP t1_j9kvsmn wrote
More 1989 salaries
Pittsburgh_Bob t1_j9kxlxt wrote
The baker's name is Charles Baker......... did Charlie have a secret career we didn't know about
f0rtytw0 t1_j9ncfgd wrote
Yeah, he was governor for a bit.
BostonUniStudent t1_j9yw609 wrote
Efficient_Dog59 t1_j9lefs8 wrote
Surprising how many careers made more than a computer programmer than. Like a grocery manager and teacher.
LukeWarmCheesecake t1_j9m7bit wrote
They all could afford a triple decker mortgage and paying the rent of their 3 kids in college too.
ShriekingMuppet t1_j9mb0r5 wrote
Spoilers all those jobs make the same amount now also
Illustrious-Nose3100 t1_j9phqjr wrote
Came here to say this..
Cocaine_Turkey t1_j9qa5sn wrote
except CEO, of course
michael_scarn_21 t1_j9lkbh7 wrote
Candlestick maker?! I know Worcester is a bit backwards but still!
smittyxi t1_j9o98jq wrote
And, being pedantic, those are just candles she's holding, not candle sticks, which are the things that hold candles... I doubt she made those.
fegan104 t1_j9ml67v wrote
In 1989 MA minimum wage was $3.75/hr, so 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year adds up to $7,800. Adjusted for inflation that would be $19,269.
In 2023 minimum wage in MA $15.00/hr, so 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year adds up to $31,200.
Not a particularly meaningful insight but interesting to get a rough sense of how it stacks up.
chance_008 t1_j9mn532 wrote
Don’t kill me if this research is incorrect but I was curious so I looked up average rent prices from 1989 and today. I found around $350 for 1989 and $2700 for today. Using your figures above the minimum wage employee would spend about 21.8% of their yearly Income on rent compared to 103.8% of their annual income in 2023.
CommonNotCommons t1_j9msxj8 wrote
Take me back
(I’m white)
boreas907 t1_j9muck4 wrote
googles when my medication was invented
Yep, we're good, take me back too.
downwardspiralstairs t1_j9loc01 wrote
$10 an hour went farther back then, minimum wage was $3.75/5.63 in 1989.
WZRD_burial t1_j9luptf wrote
My first job in 2004 was $5.15 an hour. I can't believe I wasted all of that time in my youth working for nothing.
ApeksBlue t1_j9lbpg3 wrote
Even just the fact that this magazine only cost 1.75 💀
SandyClamburger t1_j9lnmr9 wrote
That actually sounds like a lot
anurodhp t1_j9lpi9i wrote
yeah thats crazy expensive for 1989
CommonNotCommons t1_j9muh2e wrote
Adjusted for inflation, minimum wage was $9.05 in MA in 1989. Currently it’s $15. I know many things were cheaper, but I’d estimate on net that now’s probably a better time to be making minimum wage. I think the main idea here is that it was easier to make a livable wage in unskilled or blue collar work. Almost nobody makes the minimum wage in America. (Less than 1% of the adult workforce).
PilotAdvanced t1_j9ml95j wrote
I remember when you used to be able to get a Hershey for a nickel.
ForwardBound t1_j9mupns wrote
And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em.
TheManMulcahey t1_j9oqwfy wrote
Give me five bees for a quarter!
CommonNotCommons t1_j9muld2 wrote
Omg I voted for u
RailRoad_Candy t1_j9mz52o wrote
Engineering and hard sciences people, engineering and hard sciences...
...dear god I'm never going to own a home.
dwrona70 t1_j9mua4u wrote
Redemption rock slaps
[deleted] t1_j9my4i6 wrote
brdoma1991 t1_j9oehdp wrote
I’m no expert but the guy on the left Is clearly a carpenter.
[deleted] t1_j9m9d3e wrote