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eeyore102 t1_j9wdh33 wrote

Even that might not save some of us. I am a tiny woman and I have often considered how easy it would be for someone to simply pick me up and toss me off the platform.


SchminksMcGee t1_j9wh4wp wrote

Also a tiny lady. Yeah the fear is real.


Pickleless_Cage t1_j9z2d6f wrote

Yep, I’m basically scared anyone could pick me up and carry me off anywhere if they wanted


TooSketchy94 t1_j9x6fgx wrote

Honestly, you should check out some very basic self defense classes in the area.

I’m a woman and I go to a local Jiu Jitsu dojo (it’s 50% women) and have learned a ton already on how to stop / seriously deter getting picked up.

Biggest one is when you feel that grab come on, widen your stance and settle your weight down low. Even tiny people are significantly harder to move. Think about a dog when having to be dragged to a bath tub. This will at the very least give you enough time to scream and/or deter the attacker some - maybe even enough to leave as they realize it wasn’t going to be as easy as they expected.


nomoreroger t1_j9xqpwb wrote

Totally get you in that and I am not a tiny lady. There are two things to consider if this ever happens to you. If you have a free hand, go for the eyes. People instinctively try to protect their eyes… it is some kind of brain stem level response so even a person who needs mental health aid will likely drop you.

The other is what my childhood PE/Health teacher taught all us little boys and girls… if you can reach the eyes, then go for the other bits (she used to shout GRAB, TWIST, and PULL!!)

Honestly, I always figured that if some dude tried to jump me, knowing that I probably am not a martial arts expert or even a journeymen boxer, I would totally go the the GTP option. A handful of dude bits being grabbed l, twisted, and pulled would also result in quick release I think.

Eye gouging is king though…


PassCommon1071 t1_ja09ml9 wrote

I'm not tiny, but yeah, I hear you. Wish I could take my big dog on the T with me, but he's not a certified service dog.