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nomoreroger t1_j9xqpwb wrote

Totally get you in that and I am not a tiny lady. There are two things to consider if this ever happens to you. If you have a free hand, go for the eyes. People instinctively try to protect their eyes… it is some kind of brain stem level response so even a person who needs mental health aid will likely drop you.

The other is what my childhood PE/Health teacher taught all us little boys and girls… if you can reach the eyes, then go for the other bits (she used to shout GRAB, TWIST, and PULL!!)

Honestly, I always figured that if some dude tried to jump me, knowing that I probably am not a martial arts expert or even a journeymen boxer, I would totally go the the GTP option. A handful of dude bits being grabbed l, twisted, and pulled would also result in quick release I think.

Eye gouging is king though…