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t1_iu9126w wrote

That's just how volunteer places work. Having volunteered at a food bank, there's way more to it than "unloading soup cans from a truck."

Part of it is to orient, the other part is to build community so people don't flake...or get people who volunteer once and never again.


t1_iu91t6w wrote

The MSPCA is this way big time. It's a 75 minute rundown of their history, mission statements, a rundown of services, etc. That's all fine, bit that's 75 minutes that I could be in the back helping to help rake the back field and shovel up manure.


t1_iu9200f wrote

The effort to supervise a 1-off volunteer is more trouble than the labor is worth


OP t1_iu956zl wrote



t1_iu95kvv wrote

Why are you laughing? It's true LOL. I started turning down volunteers at work because managing them was just more work on top of my regular job without any tangible benefit/positive result.


t1_iu9c67p wrote

I think Boston Cares only requires a one time orientation. You then get to sign up on different volunteering opportunities on the calendar. There’s no long term commitment so it’s very flexible