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psychicsword t1_iyentn3 wrote

> Adderall distribution reached its federally imposed maximum for 2022.

WTF? Why is the maximum allowed to distribute based on anything other than the actual number of people prescribed the drug for ADHD by licensed doctors?


weasel999 t1_iyeojvq wrote

Because it’s a controlled substance. They didn’t take into account the increase in diagnoses and increase in prescriptions- they idiotically just keep the limit same as last year(s).


smc733 t1_iyf89c4 wrote

Because the DEA needs to justify their useless existence.


loudwoodpecker28 t1_iyfb114 wrote

Or maybe they should stop prescribing this shit to more and more people who don't need it


smc733 t1_iyfb5aq wrote

What are your qualifications to make such a claim?


loudwoodpecker28 t1_iyfelsz wrote

My doctor prescribed it to me as a teenager because I wanted it to help me "study". All I had to do was say I had trouble concentrating and then I had a script good for 30 20mg pills a month.

Didn't take too long for that to develop into one hell of an addiction before I finally quit cold turkey a few years later. Really fucked up my life for a bit. That stuff is essentially cocaine in pill form. I know some kids really do need it but there are wayyy too many 18-25 year old kids taking it for not the right reasons.