Submitted by Purrfessor_Cricket t3_z90yh6 in boston

Sure you guys get a lot of these... I have inpatient surgery in 2 weeks around the Longwood medical area. I live up near Hooksett, NH. I was told surgery is at 11am, but guessing I probably need to be there earlier than that by an hour or so (they’re gonna call me again closer to the date).

It’s been delayed so many times now that I’m just afraid I’m going to be late and miss this chance, too.

Does anyone have any idea what time I would need to leave to arrive for like, 9-10am on a weekday? Traveling by car.

Thank you for all the prompt, helpful responses. I’ll give myself a good 3-4 hour buffer. I also booked a hotel with a 24hr cancellation policy at patient rate just in case the weather is weird closer to the date, just as further assurance.

Thanks again.



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Peeeculiar t1_iyefrr9 wrote

Leave super early, get there early and be bored in the hospital cafeteria and be assured that you're not going to miss the procedure. I'd rather be early and bored than put the scheduled event at risk. To me that would mean leaving no later than 7:00.


Rabl t1_iyeua3o wrote

I agree to get there early and wait, but often you can't eat or drink for 12 hours prior to surgery if you're getting general anesthesia.


angelmichelle13 t1_iyei521 wrote

This! Leave early and bring a book to read as you wait in the lobby.


Suffolk1970 t1_iyei9n1 wrote

The shortest distance from Hookset NH to Longwood Medical area in Boston, MA is 61.8 miles.

Roughly that should take at a minimum 90 minutes to drive - with no traffic.

Add another 30 minutes to park and walk to your appointment location.

Add in extra time because you are coming inbound to Boston during normal rushhour traffic on a weekeday, so I would estimate 3 hours, plus an hour in case of other problems (difficulty finding the parking garage or the dr.'s office) - ok so four hours, inbound.

Your medical office probably wants you there an hour or two before the procedure. That means leaving Hookset NH around 6am - at the latest - to arrive by 10 am.

I'd leave around 4:30 am because I like to be early for important events.

If it was me, I'd also consider leaving the night before and book a hotel room closer to the city, but that can get expensive. Make sure you gas up the car the day before. Ask the doctor's office where the closest garage parking is to your dr's office. They might have additional advice, since they are used to patients traveling.

Take care, and good luck.


jamesland7 t1_iyee3t5 wrote

use google maps? they give you travel times


Purrfessor_Cricket OP t1_iyefqzu wrote

They do? I have an iPad from like, 2013/don’t use a smartphone... it doesn’t give me times except for if I were to use public transport, which I can’t do.


jleebeane t1_iyepok8 wrote

Specifically, you can use Google Maps and change "leave now" to "arrive by" your date of surgery (or pick any weekday, really) at the time you want to arrive. Google Maps will give you a time range that it "typically takes". I'd go with the longest time given and still add half an hour (more if you're unsure of where to park).

There are good instructions here, although you may need to modify for an iPad:

Good luck with your surgery!


a_swarm_of_nuns t1_iyemowe wrote

Go to google maps and enter where you are coming from and going to. Welcome to the 21st century!


Difficult-Ad3518 t1_iyesfop wrote

Leave at 6:45 and have some peace of mind knowing you’ll have time to park and fill out the paperwork.


dabba722 t1_iyei8gj wrote

give yourself 3 hours