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zumera t1_j6kpghj wrote

Bro, before the folks on this sub rip into you, I just want to politely tell you that saying, “I just wrote this to say not all cops are bad and there are lot of nice cops out there, but you have to show them respect like any human beings,” during a week when we’re learning the details of Tyre Nichols’ murder? Could be misinterpreted as you implying that showing police officers “respect” is the key to coming out of police interactions alive. If retail workers can get disrespected day in and day out without killing anyone, I sure as hell expect police officers to do the same.

I’m glad you had a positive experience. But just because you’ve never been burnt by a flame doesn’t mean that fire doesn’t burn.


felineprincess93 t1_j6ksw7s wrote

What exactly is the point of this post? Congratulations, a cop did his job? I’m sure that’s much comfort to the people who do not and have not shared your experience, that by golly you managed to catch a good one and not someone who is in a bad mood and instigating a fight.


Redz4u t1_j6ku4ob wrote

This post is irrelevant af. We are all aware that not all cops are problematic. The fact that there are good hearted supportive cops in the world is not the issue. It’s the other group of officers who have weapons and disproportionately abuse and murder black people that needs to be addressed at a large scale through training, police reform etc.


LonelyAccountantCPA t1_j6krwom wrote

This is such a weird post and frankly kind of insensitive to what just happened to that young man recently.


someoneyouused2kno t1_j6kzctg wrote

you're not a black person and you will never know the struggles of being a black person. also most middle eastern are white passing so i don't know where you were trying go with this. this is incredibly ignorant.


Pinwurm t1_j6ksvx0 wrote

We can respect the law, without having to respect the man behind a badge.

We should always react in a traffic stop as calmly and conflict-avoidant as possible. But that’s not because the police deserve respect, it’s because they have a fucking gun - and proven time and again that they will use it against people that don’t deserve it.

You had a great experience, and I’m happy for you - but you only need to be unlucky once.


[deleted] OP t1_j6kqbt6 wrote

