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t1_itmlkdm wrote

Ps5 definitely if you already have a PC or an Xbox one.


t1_itmv9u8 wrote

No point in getting a ps5 anymore if you already have a Microsoft PC. All the desirable PlayStation exclusives come to the Microsoft PC now. Best is PC to play the few Sony exclusives and a series X in the living room for everything else 👍👍


t1_itmxav5 wrote

PC doesn't get exclusives for 1 to 3 years after release, if ever. PC already has Xbox games since they have zero exclusives. PS5 with PS Premium and a gaming PC with Game Pass both connected to an LG Oled in the living room is the setup.


t1_itmxhn0 wrote

Then you miss out on all the best upcoming exclusives and gamepass. Series X in the living room and a Microsoft PC or PS4 for the PlayStation exclusives is the setup👍


t1_itmz4hu wrote

This is wrong but ok.


t1_itmzibr wrote

Wrong to yourself, but for the majority of gamers it's the way going forward. Once PlayStation exclusives came to Microsofts platform the PS5 became pretty useless 👍👍


t1_itn1np3 wrote

That's not true and the logic doesn't make sense even if it was. Xbox games are already on PC so, with that same logic, doesn't that make Xbox useless now?


t1_itn2qlz wrote

Not anymore useless than the PS5 is now that the PlayStation exclusives are on Microsofts platform. Makes sense to buy the console with the best hardware, games, services, cost hence getting the Series X for the living room 👍


t1_itn2tfb wrote

But the PS exclusives aren't on PC...


t1_itn2vna wrote

They are on mine 👍


t1_itn3crh wrote

Sure they are


t1_itn3enw wrote

They sure are 👍


t1_itncte6 wrote

If your friends lean towards one console, then get that.

The problem with the PS5 is that it still almost impossible to find. Even with lower sales numbers, Microsoft is a goddamn giant compared to Sony and will have better production capacity. A series x can be easily found now. The PS5 not so much.


t1_itmlqww wrote

What kind of games do you play and what are you looking to get out of your system?

If you love single player games, the PS5 will have plenty of good exclusives for you. It also has some nice recording functionality, a fancy controller with haptic feedback, however in my opinion the user interface is lacking compared to xbox. PlayStation has typically had bigger, more popular titles in their exclusive line-up. I moved from Xbox one to PS5, I don't think I personally make the most of the exclusives on PlayStation, as I prefer multilayer experiences.

Xbox will offer game pass, giving you access to alot of games for you to try and if you enjoy playing enough of them (subjective) you could find yourself saving a fair ammount of money. Xbox also tends to have more indie games / early access titles and allows players to access public test branches, in other words, niche pc games that have been somewhat popular (eg, Dayz, Space engineers, Ark survival evolved, Arma etc etc) all came to Xbox first. Games you buy on xbox may also be playable on PC via windows store and there is a lot of backwards compatibility. Xbox also has better a better communication platform (forum's, lfgs).


t1_itphn44 wrote

Definitely PS5, it's a superior console compared to the others. Just my opinion!!


t1_ito30xi wrote

The PS5 and PS4 library is second to none but the Xbox game pass is amazing if you don’t care about owning games physically. I am old school so PS5 and Switch all the way!!


t1_itpryvs wrote

Well I just bought a ps5 and I'm loving it so I'd definitely recommend it


t1_itq3h84 wrote

I have a PS5 and a series S The Xbox user interface is really janky, just don’t like it.

I gravitate towards the ps5 every time just find it more exciting all round


t1_itmuk6i wrote

Series X is the no brainer these days, and a ps4 or Microsoft PC for the few PlayStation exclusives. Sony has dropped the ball epically this generation


t1_itq3tvj wrote

You can't play ps games on PC but you can play Xbox games on PC. Xbox is just a worse pc


t1_itq4szs wrote

You can play all the best PlayStation exclusives on a Microsoft PC now. It's fairly new so you might have missed it. Series X in the living room and a Microsoft PC for the PlayStation exclusives is the best option going forward 👍👍


t1_itqk9pz wrote

Nope non of the new playstation exclusives are on PC God of war Ragnarok? Ratchet and clank? Spiderman man miles morales? Demon souls? Maybe in a few years these games will start to come to pc Meanwhile all Xbox exclusives come to pc day 1👍👍👍


t1_itqmmhz wrote

There coming and see the same game regardless when you play. Why not play them in the best quality on a Microsoft PC for a better price 👍👍


t1_itn46nr wrote

Bloodborne is available on the PS4 pro. It's the no brainer for playing PlayStation exclusives currently


t1_itndcjw wrote

Yup hence the recommendation to get a Microsoft console and if desired use a Microsoft PC to play PlayStation exclusives 👍


t1_itq42ar wrote

your comment karma shows how many braincells you have


t1_itq531t wrote

Yes I prefer calling it as it is rather than worry about karma from ramdoms on the internet. Alot of snowflakes these days 👍👍❄️❄️


t1_itqkppm wrote

You are not losing karma because people are snowflakes, it's because you are a fanboy with false information 👍👍


t1_itqmnzs wrote

Same difference, uninformed Sony Fanboys are just upset that the Xbox is a better console now and act like total snowflakes about it 👍👍👍❄️❄️❄️


t1_itr5ch6 wrote

Nope sold my Xbox a few months ago, didn't have the games or features to complete with ps5, plus all Xbox games are on my PC anyway. Xbox fanboys are just upset that Ps5 is a better console and act like total snowflakes about it 👍👍👍❄️❄️❄️


t1_itr5qw0 wrote

There you go it's a circular conversation 👍👍👍❄️❄️❄️


t1_itoyy5b wrote

Depends on what games you play, which console is more available in your area (I can't believe this is still an issue), and if you're interested in multiplayer with friends, what consoles the people you want to play with have.


t1_itpcbdc wrote

Super Nintendo is better. 🤣🤣 Man, I prefer Xbox, but both are very nice. You need to know about Xbox and Ps5 exclusive games.


t1_itpmaoz wrote

Defiantly buy whatever one you prefer or whatever your friends use the most but I would choose Xbox because there is a lot more games on that console then PlayStation because at the moment Microsoft is legit buying as many game series as possible.


t1_itpmv3h wrote

I don't know anything about ps5 but I have the series x and it's a BEAST

I sold my okay pc after I got the new series x because it just collected dust

The new Xbox is an amazing piece of machinery


t1_itqz089 wrote

ima be honest with you ps5 cuz prefrens


t1_itqzkr6 wrote

Xbox games pass is very good if it's your first Xbox not so much if you own a lot of games from previous generations (I do but subjective I'm also 35 so I own a lot of Xbox titles. Games such as halo really don't appeal as much when I played and owned the original). Ps5 is an amazing console with a mind blowing controller and excellent exclusives which will eventually come on to PC. My recommendation is to get a Ps5 and a PC. Xbox games being available for PC makes the Xbox a bit redundant in my opinion. But it really does come down to the games and Thier really isn't many next gen titles as of yet.


t1_itr38lz wrote

Playstation have better exclusives, like The Last of Us and God of War.

Xbox have better services, like gamepass and an stable online connection.


t1_itr8ih1 wrote

Out of ps5 and Xbox I would choose ps5 mainly for the Spiderman games but if you purly want console exclusives I would go for switch


t1_itrhq5z wrote

Definitely the series X and PS4 pro is the way to go. Sony has dropped the ball epically this generation. Also keep in mind there's a rumored new PS5 coming that will be more powerful in order to be able to compete with the series X so definitely don't buy one of the current models 👍👍


t1_itn3n2n wrote

Looks like someone learned something new today 🤣🤣😂


t1_itml22q wrote

Ps5 controller vs xbox game pass


t1_itmo93s wrote

That doesn't seem fair on PS5 tbh. It's not like Xbox has bad controllers, just the opposite in fact, they have fantastic controllers.

I'd say its a choice of exclusives, go with whichever has the best ones for your own personal preference.


t1_itmlbd2 wrote

xbox because… I have an xbox since i’m a kid, forget about it. honestly the only real difference between both consoles is the game pass and te exclusivities. Basically the same speech all over again: one has a lot of amazing games, the other has amazing games and an awesome game pass. So yeah, I feel like this comment section is about to become a war zone between playstation and xbox. I think both consoles are worth it, but I never played on playstation. My experience with xbox is great.


t1_itmvhbm wrote

xbox because

  • game pass
  • no more future ps exclusives