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Ralonne t1_j9139cj wrote

Reminds me of the Pthumerian Queen.


LeeroyM OP t1_j90im7v wrote

This is my digital collage/edit of Ophelia by Michele Rapisardi (c.1900) x The Death of Chatterton by Henry Wallis (1856).


All my info.


jojoman7 t1_j93ysyx wrote

Lmao do people actually pay you do do a lame cutout and swipe a red brush over the image? This is basically on the same level as AI art, you even messed up the hand like an ai.


LeeroyM OP t1_j943n4r wrote

  1. You don't have to like it, but this takes skill to do. AI does not. 2. The hand is correct, read the comments in the thread again 3. You don't have to like my work, I already have tonnes of people that do 4. Glancing your account and you're really giving the chronically-online bitter redditor stereotype, seems miserable but do you.

jojoman7 t1_j946jao wrote

This literally wouldn't pass the photoshop class my wife teaches to middle schoolers. You are an artistic parasite in every form of the word, you provide zero value or commentary to the original art nor do you create anything new. 20 years ago you'd be laughed at for trying to pass off your "art" as legitimate, but modern digital tools have allowed you to zero effort BS your way to some minor success despite your lack of creativity. Congrats. The only benefit to the AI apocalypse is that scam artists like you will be obsoleted.


LeeroyM OP t1_j948mfs wrote

Factually incorrect on all fronts, I'm talented and have amassed a following of people who love my art and what I do, and constant requests to make tutorials to teach people ¯_(ツ)_/¯ that comment history dude, even just from today...yikes. I have never seen someone so badly in need of touching grass, hope you find a better outlet for all your anger!


tangcameo t1_j90zfsq wrote

She's a widow, all in red with his red still wet - Kate Bush ‘Wedding List’


stale_bread56 t1_j90qovd wrote

"this church has been blessed by our athers and multiple people come to praise it" the priest said before turning to the new couple
"this is great" the man said "this would be the perfect place for our marriage.

at the wedding they the man waited for his bride to arrive but after a few minutes he got worried. After a ew minutes more his bride finally arrived, covered in blood, with scars all over her face. A mask is seen being held by her before walking up to the altar.
the priest asked for her agreement but what she said shocked everyone
"you!" she pointed at the priest "You lied to me!"


magus2003 t1_j91qie3 wrote

It's a Nice day For a

Red wedding.


Mintberry_teabag t1_j9266a3 wrote

Riminds me of a character from a gothic horror book caled "the monk".


StrangeMaelstrom t1_j929rrk wrote

Love it, but my only gripe is the right hand is facing the direction the left hand would. Happens all the time though so don't sweat it 😅


Lexicontinuum t1_j92txdx wrote

The thumb is facing inward though, so it's oriented correctly, no? I think the actual "issue" is that the pinky size and orientation are more like an index finger and the ring finger is fat like a middle finger, so that's creating an illusion of the hand being oriented backward.


StrangeMaelstrom t1_j92v3td wrote

Ah you're right, I didn't see the thumb, but yes the pinky is the size I'd expect the middle or index finger to be, which gives it the feel like they were looking in the mirror and forgot to flip it back.


shf500 t1_j93mpr2 wrote

Ready or Not?


norealmx t1_j940amt wrote

Did she cut his head with a spoon?


GilbertPlays t1_j91y1ck wrote

She's a Yandere and the head is another girl that was slightly interested in you. Then she kidnapped you and threatens to kill you unless you become her lover.
